Chapter 7

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Emily's POV:

I'm not sure how a child of Hebe ended up missing a chalice but here we are at the big house because it went missing talking to Chiron and Mr.D who says that we have to talk to Rachel as soon as possible or whatever I wasn't really paying attention. When we finished that little chat we found Rachel. Then Rachel gave us a prophecy that was something on the lines of," Five children of the new age will go to lengths so great, through the forest or through the wall, one must vanquish and he shall fall the keeper of the youth seeker". Then she fell and Sophie caught her before she could hit her head and then picked her up bridal style and set her down on one of the cots in the big house. She quickly turned around after setting her down and said," Everyone pack a bag" and then pulled out a map out of literally nowhere. "This will tell us where we need to go. It was gift from my mothers after they left the hunters of Artemis they were aloud to keep it and then gave it to me before I left and came here", said Sophie after she checked the location on the map and looked up at us and said," We need to go to Vermont".

So yeah buckle up because this is about to be full on quest so let's get started shall we.


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