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sexual content in this chapter. Read at your own risk.

Luke's POV

"Dude, you are still in high school." Alec says. They aren't really happy with my decision to marry Angel. Obviously.

"I don't care. I love her. And I can't stand the thought of anyone else having her either."

"Dude, we get it. You are whipped. But. Marriage is a big word. Are you sure you can commit your life to someone at this age ?"

"I don't know. But I intend to find out."

"You know this isn't a game right ? She is a beautiful woman and can settle for something better than you. And doesn't deserve to be played." Toby says

"I am not playing her, Toby. It's just that I can't stay away from her. And who knows where I'll be in 10 yrs. But what I do know is wherever I'll be I want her with me. And that's why this is the right decision."

"Whatever. Who's your best man ?" Aaron says. Obviously excited with the idea.

"Not yet decided. Not even decided the date. "

"If you do. Pls make me your best man."

I laugh at that. I have such supportive friends.(note the sarcasm)

"Well, I will be off. I have a lot to decide with Angel about the wedding. But one thing is for sure. We are getting married before graduation."

"Dude graduation's like a month away."



After our 'guy time' I walk home to Angel. I step inside my home and I am instantly hit by the strong smell of cake.

Hmm.... chocolate cake.

I walk into the kitchen to find Angel in her hot shorts with my shirt on. It hangs off her body like a hanger. That's really giving me a boner. My shirt is even longer than her shorts on her. Makes it look like she is not wearing anything underneath.

And my observance is not helping the situation at all.

Slowly tip-toe to her and engulf her into a hug. Her back is to me and I put my chin on her shoulder. She giggles. I take her left hand in mine and slip the ring I bought for her on her ring finger. It's nothing special but just a small band with a knot in the middle signifying our love. It's of platinum.

She gasps and turns arounfld and hugs my chest. She fits perfectly in me. I love her so much. I hug her back even tighter.

"Luke.... Can't.... Breathe...." she says muffled.

"Oh I am sorry. Are you alright ?" I quickly release her.

"Yes. I love it. It's exactly how I wanted. Simple. I love it. I love you."

"Oh I love you too, Fiancé."

She looks into my eyes and she has this innocent look on her face. She is so beautiful. And she is all mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and put her on the kitchen counter. I lean in and kiss her.

I push my tongue into her mouth and I can taste her mouth. It's chocolaty. She must have had some cake before. I kiss her and push her back a little more. The cake falls off the counter and we both laugh.

I pick her up. Bridal style. And I take her to the bedroom. I lay her on the bed and kiss her neck. I start sucking on it. I want a hickey there. She is mine now. All mine. I practically rip my shirt off her body and kiss her chest. I reach down, unclasp her bra and take one nipple in my mouth. I have wanted to do this since I proposed to her.

I rip off her shorts and she is lying all naked beneath me. I reamive my t-shirt and I can feel her hands roaming around on my body and torso. I take her hands on my swelled crotch and say,

"This is how I am right now. This is how much you affect me."

"I love you, Luke."

"I love you too. So much. "

I take off my pants and reveal my manhood. I kiss her a little more and then slowly I enter her. I start riding and pick up a fast pace. She is moaning my name. I like it. I like the fact that only I can make her feel that way. And tomorrow we get toghether. Forever.

I crash on her exhausted and engulf her into my arms like she is my teddy bear and pull up the sheets. She looks at me with those beautiful eyes. I slowly caress her cheek and she leans into my touch closing her eyes. I kiss her once more on the lips and go to sleep.


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