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After 7 years.....

Luke's POV.

I watch as my Angel barges into my office looking fierce.

What did I do this to time ?


"Yes, Angel ?"

"It's been years Luke. Grow up. Why do you still call me Angel ?"

"Beacuse you came to me when I needed a ray of hope and light. You are my Angel. And I love you."

She blushes.

"I love you too, Luke. But...."

"But ?"

"I don't want you to freak out. Cuz.... I didn't plan this... I promise I had nothing to do with it..."

Oh... I did. I planned it. I know exactly what she is talking about.

"We are pregnant... I am pregnant"

"Baby... " I wanted it to come out shocked but it failed miserably. She eyes me suspiciously.


"I might've known about it."

"We didn't use the condom last time. You planned this..... you big, huge, walking ,talking, handsome ball of .... sex"

"What ?"

"I can't believe you planned it."

"I know we aren't ready but we will never be if we keep it this way. We need a baby, Angel. "


"Come here... you small, adorable, beautiful light of hope."



"Sir your next meeting starts in10 mins." My assistant informs me through the landline.

"Luke if you keep it this way after he/she is born I will burn this building down so you have no distractions. And I want you home. Full time when I reach my 7 month."

"Yes, boss"

We have come a long way in 7 years. It feels like just yesterday I met her. She was like a flame in my world of darkness. She could've done way better then me. But she chose me. I still remember the circumstances we got married in. I couldn't give her what every girl wanted. A memorable wedding.

After this baby is born I am gonna propose to her and have a proper wedding. Yup.

"Luke.... I have something to show you." She says.

"Okay..." she goes back and locks my cabin door.

"Baby if you wanted that you could've just said it. I am all yours now. You can violate me all you want." I smirked.

She blushes. It's cute how she still blushes at my remarks.

She removes her top and then I see the tattoo at her back. It's says,

Tu me manques.

"I know this sounds stupid that a business tycoon in Paris can't read French but what does it mean ?" I ask.

"It means you are missing from me. Luke"

"I love you, Angel."

"I know. I am just so loveable"

With that I take her to my bathroom and you know....

After we finish clothing up again I remember about my meeting.


I rush out.

My father died 3 years before. So immediately after me and Angel graduated we were thrown into the spotlight. She gets a little jumpy sometimes but I also don't like them intruding.

And now she is pregnant. With my baby. After I inherited everything her mother tried to contact us. Asking for money. She won't leave her alone. So I started sending her some money behind Angel's back. When she found out she was furious. But I handled it. Leaving out the part where it bothered me that she was bothering her.

The baby that's on the way is gonna have great parents. I grew up without them and Elena had lost everything that one night.

I still wonder what would be the situation today if I never met her. I can't imagine my life without her. She is like the oxygen I breathe. I loved her so much.

That's it. This story is over. Sorry for breaking your hearts but I didn't want anything big or boring with too much drama. But let know how you liked it.

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