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Another update.... Yay !! I will try to update everyday now but since my exams I can't promise anything... Tell me how it is.....

I took out my book and a pen to write down the notes, just then a note lands on my table catching the attention of the boy. I looked at him and he seemed angry about something. Nevertheless I opened it up and it read:

Looks like we are gonna be in the same first class for the rest of the year...

I look and him and find him smiling at me, I quickly take out a piece of paper and write back:

Yeah... Sorry about earlier I was quite in a rush

I wait for another one and it again came onto my table nearly falling on the other side but I catched it immediately and risk a glance at the boy again. This time it seemed as though he was going to swallow the whole room with his anger...

I shrugged the thought off mind and read what the note said :

No problem, beautiful... ;)

There's that word again. I have to ask him why he calls me beautiful. The rest of the class goes like this us passing notes to one another. It was fun, Chase seemed like a nice guy and I could use a friend.

The the bell rang and the class ended I picked up my things and started walking towards my next class. It was French. I took it so it might help me later in future. Chase runs up to me and says , “ Hey beautiful !! What's your next class ?? ". I reply “ Its French.... And why do you call me beautiful ??"

“Cuz you are..... You are really beautiful"

“Careful there Mr.Banks... The next thing we know you might turn into a creepy stalker"

“Nah.... I don't think so. But uh..... Since now we are friends... Would you like to hangout with me ?? As a friends ??"

I could see his face turning a light shade of pink. The guy seems nice but I can't just hangout with him, after all I have known him for what... 3 hrs ??

“I would love to but I have something to do with my mother.... And I can't really put it off.... Sorry maybe next time" I say and start walking towards my next class. I reach it before hand and choose a desk on the fourth row this time. Third rows aren't really my thing. I like to be secluded. Thankfully my beach was on the corner. After some time a petit blonde walks in the class and takes a seat next to me. She smiles at me and I can say it was a genuine smile. I smile back at her.

“ So you are the new student "

"Yeah... Why ??"

"Nothing..... Its just that that you have been the talk of the school since morning. I just wanted to see you"

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