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Why doesn't he just leave me alone ?? Doesn't he get the hint already ?? I don't want him !!

You do. And you know it.

Ugh.... Okay maybe I do.... But I will not let him see it.

Fiesty huh ??

Its not like that !!!

I was on my way to the canteen but stopped mid-track. I can't face him after today's episode. Can I ?? But I promised Chase I would see him. So I start walking again to my table where I can see Chase and Mkrinda already waving to me. I pull out a chair to sit beside Chase. Mirinda opens her mouth to say something but is beaten to it by him.

Woah.... Now what ?? Cuz he seems really upset. I swear this guy has some anger issues.

"Let's go, Angel. I am buying you lunch today" he says with an authoritative tone. I steal a glance at Chase and see his nose flaring. He seemed to be holding back his anger on something. If looks could kill....

I look up to see Luke staring at me with an intensity I can't define. I wanted to argue but thought better of it and slowly stood up. Not to go with him but to knock some sense into him.

Cuz that worked so well last time.

And this time I won't be cornered at any costs and avoid looking at his lips. And pull away if he tries to kiss me this time.

Are you sure about that ??


Luke leads me but I pull him by the elbow and take him out of the canteen.

"Wow I didn't know you liked me so much !!" Luke smirks.

"Wow I didn't know you were capable of creating a scene." I retort with the same rage.

"I just don't want you around that guy !! " he yells

"Who ?? Chase ?? Why ??"

"Cuz he likes you !!"

That put me to deep thought.

"So what ??"

" NO !!"

"Why !!"

" Cuz you are mine !!"

"What....... " my voice nearly a whisper.

"Yes !! I don't know when I don't know how.... But its just is."

"What....." I reply still starstruck.


Hearing that I didn't know what to do. So I turned and ran. With all my might. I could hear Luke calling me behind me but I was too worked up to listen.

I know it's small but I have something planned for the next one.

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