Special oneshot part 4!

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..can you hear us?....

Your eyes fluttered open as you heard voices calling for you. You moved your hands on the sheets feeling the soft fabric on your finger tips.

When you regained your consciousness you looked around seeing 5 males around your bed staring at you excitedly.
You sat up you slowly touched your face and then it dawned at you.

You could control your body normally again!
Some happy tears prickled your eyes as you realized that, the guys around you looking happy at your reaction.

But then the memories flooded back as well, how they barged in your room...how they forced you on your bed....and the potion......

Your head shot towards them your sight clouded in the color red. You quickly tried to jump towards them aiming your hands toward Malleus's throat before meeting face first to the floor.
It took you few seconds to get your body in a laying/sitting position before looking at your ankle seeing a chain connecting it to the bed frame.

Leona crouched to your level and forcefully turned your head towards him with his hand on your chin.
When he saw your (e/c) eyes he grinned happily and looked at the other boys.

"Guys she's back"

"Thank the lord I couldn't stand that bitch that took over her body..."

Riddle sighed as he pinched his nose bridge thinking of the annoyance that she made.


Malleus said as he nodded his head lightly while looking at you before speaking again

"But I don't think that's the end our problems.."

He pointed his finger at you.
You were shaking from the rage you felt, you wanted to snap there necks right there on the spot because of what they did to you.
They first took you to there world without your consent, then took your freedom away and then almost took your consciousness away from you!

"Awww is our princess angry at us~ you know the least we could get is a thank you"

Ace said as he looked down at you waiting for your response but you, you said absolutely nothing.
You only slapped Leona's hand away from your chin and slowly got up and sat at the bed side still shaking lightly from the rage.

He frowned at this and got closer to you, putting his hand on your shoulder shaking you lightly.

"Well don't you have something to tell us love?~"

"I hate you, get the hell out of this room before I end myself in front of you"

The room became silent, and the tension was thick to the point that you could cut it with a knife.
Ace slowly took his hand off of your shoulder and backed away slowly while the others were just surprised from your response.

Riddle even felt pity , he is seeing his love fall apart in front of him, but yet he doesn't do anything and just scoffs and leaves.
The others did  that as well except for Ace who was still looking at you surprised.

Not only did you have the audacity to hurt his feelings but now threaten your own life for some peace??

He glared at your back, he turned around angrily leaving and  slamming the door in the process.
It took good 5 min for you to process that everyone was outside of the room and for you to start crying from the sheer amount of rage and pain you just felt.

The characters that brought you joy and happiness now brought you pain and misery isn't it funny?
You were just there sitting on the bed crying your eyes out not knowing what to do next....


Hahahaha..... hi guys it's bin long time since I updated this book—
I hope you guys aren't mad at me but I'm having some problems with school-
Anyway my writer block has finally perished so I finally had an idea on how to finish this!
I hope you guys will enjoy and I'll see if I'll make a Part 5 or not

Until then see you! ^^ ❤️🌍💗🤍

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