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oh hi, I know it has been a while but I've been MEGA busy!

And in this time of being busy I managed to think of a really cute story, so here it is; please let me know what you think!

(btw if the writing is italic it means thoughts)

His name is Phil, he's only 8 years old. He discovered something not many children can. Mirrors truly do open you up to another land. He realised he could walk through mirrors and make friends with the others, the others are people unlike you and I, they live in the other side of the mirror. They're dangerous. They can make you stay, but Phil was lucky, he walked in once and then his mum caught him and pulled him back out. She told him never to go back in, and to make sure he would never return, she hid every mirror in the house. Phil wanted to go back though, he doesn't know why but he knows he should, and when he told his mum this, she took it further, she pulled Phil out of school and taught him at home and avoided taking him anywhere that involved mirrors of any sort. Phil became lonely and isolated from the world, but eventually, he may just find a way back, he hopes.



I can't believe I'm 18, maybe mum will finally let me go outside. I still to this day don't know why I cannot go outside, it's frustrating, I just want to be my own person, Jesus I'm an adult now.

"Happy Birthday Philly!" My mum shouted while opening my bedroom door, with a cake in hand.

I don't think I could ever hate my mum, but I want friends, I don't know anyone else but her, and frankly I'm sad. I want to know what it's like to smile with real feeling. I want to be someone, like someone from my books, I read a lot, it's the only way I can escape, and even my mum doesn't like that, but she could never stop me, she took everything else off me. "Thanks mum! You didn't have to do all this!" I smiled, I forget what my mum tells me sometimes, "we don't need anyone else Phil, it's us against the world".

"Of course I'm gonna make a fuss of you baby! It's not everyday my little boy turns 18!" She shouts happily. "I'm gonna go out in a minute to collect your present!" 

"Mum, you seriously don't have to!" I laughed.

"Shh you, I'm going now. See you in a bit, love you!" With that she ran down the stairs and left.

"I love you too mum."

My mum had been gone for ages now, so I thought I'd have a shower, and get dressed. It's weird, I can't help but be curious of what I actually look like to my mum, I've never seen who I am, which is just peculiar right? Surely I should know what I look like? I don't know. Just shower thoughts I guess, I stepped out the shower and dried my hair and got dressed.


SHIT, what was that?


"Mum? Are you home?" I shouted down.

"FUCK, there is someone here!" I heard from downstairs.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I really want pancakes. I'm gonna die.

I stair at the lock which was clearly locked and watched it start to shake. "OPEN UP OR WE'LL KNOCK THIS DOOR FUCKING DOWN" I stood up and looked around, when I realised the attic was above me, mum told me under no circumstances should I go into the attic, but I think this is an exception. I pulled the string down whilst my heart beat 900 times faster than it probably should, a rope ladder fell from above and I climbed up as quick as humanly possible. I pulled the rope back up and closed the door. From above I heard the door break down and a variety of swearing. I moved my hand slightly and felt a lock, well that's helpful. I locked the door and stood up, tears in my eyes. That was until, I looked up and saw hundreds of people around me, I flinched and curled myself into a ball.

No one hit me? I can't hear anything, only my own breathing. I looked up to see that everyone was doing the same thing as me. I stood up and everyone followed, they're copying me. Wait. I walked up close to one of the people and realised "that's me."

through the mirror is you (phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now