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Still no powers AU and School AU... tbh after this I've got a College AU lined up hehe

Taufan sat up with a gasp, sweat running down his brow.

Blinking the sleep away, he rubbed his eyes and jumped to the ground, pain shooting up his feet and making him yelp and stumble back toward Halilintar's bed in the lower bunk.

Taufan cursed softly in pain and stood back up again, hurrying to change out of his pajamas and into his school uniform. After that, he ran out the bedroom, sliding down the banister to reach the first floor faster.

"I'm so late!" he panted, grabbing his school bag and the laptop needed for a school project in Computers Ed.

Running out of the house after locking up with a slice of bread in his mouth, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and saw that school was about to start in fifteen minutes! Ugh... if he had powers he'd definitely save some time by flying over or something.

Man... his brothers were too busy in their own lives to even wake him? Well no matter... he'll just confront them all during lunch.

Taufan's breaths came out in heavy pants as he stumbled to his classroom, waving weakly to Yaya who was his classmate this year. Ais was classmates with Fang, Gopal had Solar for company, and Ying hung out with Gempa, especially when they had homework. None of the brothers were classmates since their school had a rule to keep siblings in different sections, which irritated them all at first but now it was just something they had to live with. On the bright side, it also gave the brothers opportunities to meet others and make new friends.

"Right on time I see," Yaya teased as Taufan sat on his usual seat. "I saw Hali and Ais walking together then Blaze, Solar, and Duri before the bell rang. Gempa was in a student council meeting."

"Oh of course Gem would leave earlier than usual," Taufan said, finally regaining his breath. "I was the only one at home!"

Yaya frowned.

"It's not like them to leave you."

"I know right."

"But Ais said they left you since they thought you had a fever. Gempa also said he planned to buy medicine for you."

Taufan's mouth fell open, shocked. He felt his forehead, frowning. Then he turned his gaze to Yaya and shook his head.

"I actually feel fine."

Before either of them could say anything more, their Computer teacher arrived and after greeting him, the teacher then said for all of them to take out their laptops.

Taufan grinned at Yaya and she went back to her seat, leaning to his right to get the laptop from the floor.

Only... now that he was relaxed it didn't quite look like a laptop but Taufan shrugged it off and hauled it on his desk, jaw dropping in shock and horror.



Taufan bit his bottom lip hard to stop himself from shrieking at his absolute idiocy and quickly placed the laptop (waffle maker but who cares) back down on the ground.

When his teacher reached his seat the boy froze and thought up of a quick but believable excuse.

"Uhm Cikgu I don't feel so well. Can I go to the bathroom for a while?" he asked sheepishly, scratching his nape.

His teacher raised a brow but let him out, Taufan hussling to his feet and nearly tripping over air as he scrambled to go to the bathroom, right hand slapping over his pocket to ensure that he had his phone with him.

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