꒰ run away ꒱

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hyunjin pov

run. anywhere.

i was running for a while now. should i stop? no?

i feel my legs getting weaker, my fast pace becomes slower until i eventually stop at my tracks. catching the breathes that i lost earlier.

when i looked at my surroundings it felt oddly familiar even though i haven't been here before. instead of worry. why am i relieved?

i don't have anywhere to go. help.

in the corner of my eyes i saw a big sign yang store. a store, great! i guess i'll just spend the night here.

entering the store, i was greeted by the boy in the counter. a staff i guess...

“welcome sir!” the fox looking boy said with a smile

i give him a look before nodding as a respond. i made my way to the snack section, making myself seemingly busy so that the other person don't think anything weird.

after picking nothing. i sat in one of the stools inside, gladly the boy wasn't paying attention to me.

“i don't want to!” i shouted at my dad.
“but you have to, it's for your own good!” he retorted, still convincing me to agree.

“then fuck that, i don't want to get married especially if it's business related!”

“language! don't talk to me like that! i didn't raise you to be like this!” he scolded.

“you didn't even raise me in the first place! the only thing that's important to you is your freaking job!”



i groaned, five more minutes!

“sir! please wake up!” the shaking intensified.

i lazily looked up to see who disturb my sleep, but what i saw is a furious looking fox.

“sir, this is not a place where you can sleep.” the boy exclaimed. i continued to ignore his nagging as i stretches my arms.

“yah! don't ignore me-”

“can you stop the nagging already! geez i am waking up.” i don't really get people nowadays getting mad over a mere things.

“well then, i think you should get out because your presence is making the customers go away hmm.” the fox said. fox looking boy i mean.

“don't talk to me like that! don't you know who i am?” i said, looking at him straight in the eyes.

he gave me a deadly glare, “do i look like i care? get out!” he said pulling my hoodie off the stool.

i finally stood up towering him but he doesn't seem fazed at all. i rolled my eyes before making my to the door and heading out.

i started walking away from the store, i just realized that it's already morning. then it hit me, i was basically homeless now.

argh! hwang hyunjin how miserable is your life is! really!” i suddenly shouted, gladly no one was around because when there is, they might think i am weird, and i am not.

there is a storm coming, and my ass said to update rn before the electricity went out.


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