꒰ came back ꒱

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third person pov

walking for god knows how long, hyunjin found himself in front of his home, he doesn't know how he is there but all he could think at the moment is how can he get his things inside.

for sure his father is at home, waiting for him to come back, but hyunjin doesn't want to face his father yet.

after an hour of thinking what should he do, he couldn't really think of any but fortunately for hyunjin, a miracle happened.

a maid from the mansion got out of the gate to throw away trash in the bin outside.

hyunjin walked to the maid, the maid looked a little surprise when he saw the boy but she then bombarded him a questions.

oh my! hyunjin! i'm glad you're back, your father is really worried about you, you know.” the maid was being a little loud that hyunjin had yo cover his mouth.

look, i'm just here to get some of my things, please don't tell my dad or else i'll tell him that it was you who actually broke his favorite mug.” hyunjin threatened her in a good way, oh the horror in the maid's eyes.

hyunjin wants to laugh but he held.

“it was an accident! at the bottom it said it is microwavable but then it suddenly shat-”

“yes i know.” hyunjin said, calming her down. “can you please get me my phone wallet and some clothes, put it in the bag.” the maid nodded and made her way inside, to go get hyunjin his things.

“when are you going back?” the maid asked, hyunjin was checking if he got everything he needed.

“i still don't know...” a long silent. he didn't really know. “please take care of my dad, tell him that i am fine.” hyunjin said, giving the elder a smile.

“i'm going now i guess.” he then started walking away, again.

hyunjin doesn't know how he always ended up in front of the yang store but he is hungry so...

when he opened the glass door he expected to saw the fox looking boy again but instead it was a grandma.

“hi! welcome to our store!” the elder greeted.

hyunjin smiled and nodded his head.

he was in the middle of eating when someone barges in, it was so loud that it startled hyunjin causing him to choke on his noodles.

“grandma! i got in to the university!” a boy, hyunjin recognized as the fox eyed korean yelled in excitement not really minding hyunjin's existence.

“wow! congrats you deserve that! but you should lower your voice, there's someone else here beside us!” jeongin nodded and smiled.

when he looked at the side he saw the guy who sleeps last night in the store, sitting exactly at the same seat like he did before. his smile faded.

hyunjin also looked at him, giving a smiled and a thumbs up.

“what are you doing here?” jeongin asked.

“yah! you're scaring him!” the grandma spoke before hyunjin could.

“i'm sorry.” he apologized and go to the room at the back of the counter.

“i'm sorry about his behavior, he's really a nice person.”

hyunjin shooked his hands, “it's alright, don't be sorry hehe...” he said and continues eating.

note: hyunjin is close with the maid, that's why they're comfortable.

it's really my first time writing something like this. btw this is obviously a hyunjin centric.


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