꒰ weird... ꒱

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jeongin pov

i was just starting my shift when an unfamiliar face comes in. obviously not from this neighborhood.

“welcome sir!” i put on a smile and greeted him, i was expecting to get a greet back but the man just nodded.

okay i guess. i thought, not really making it a big deal.

there are not really many people coming to this store, especially this neighborhood is residential but today it is a bit different. i can't quite put my fingers on it.

i don't really have much to do, that i ended up observing the man. he came back from the snack section but he didn't get any, why is that?

he sat at the stool and—

gosh! jeongin you almost got caught!

he looked in my direction bit gladly i'm able to avoid his eyes, i just hope he didn't caught me staring!

i was just on my phone when i heard someone sobbing, when i looked up to see where it came from, it is obviously from the boy from earlier.

he seems to be having a nightmare, weird but eh? let him be.

the bell chimed indicating that someone entered.

“hi! i'm sorry i'm a bit late y'know traffic.” eunjae said

“it's literally 2 in the morning, how are you stuck in traffic? try again.” i said jokingly which made both of us laugh but not so loud because the "customer" might wake up.

when i walked out of the back door, i found eunjae looking at the sleeping man. i went to him,

“it's not nice staring at someone while sleeping y'know.” i whispered, starling him.

“i was just admiring his beauty, by the way who is he?” he said. going back to the counter.

“meh, i don't know. go ask him yourself, try waking him up.”

before eunjae could say something again, someone entered the store, that was my go signal and got out of the store.

“i just miss my bed.”

every moring, visiting the store has become a hobby for me, when i opened the glass door. i was greeted by a tired eunjae and the man from last night, still in his deep sleep.

the audacity.

i made my way to the sleeping person, i shaked him as violently, but he just keeps on shaking.

“sir?” i said which he groaned in response.

“sir! please wake up!” i exclaimed and shake him a little bit harsher which worked because he is now finally looking at me.

there's not much people inside so i guess arguing with doesn't matter. “sir this is not a place where you can sleep.” i said, a little bit louder than i intended.

he continued to ignore my presence and started stretching the hell out of his arms.

“yah! don't ignore me-”

“can you stop the nagging already! geez i am waking up.”

“well then, i think you should get out because your presence is making the customers go away hmm.” a lie of course.

he looked at me with his mouth agape. “don't talk to me like that! don't you know who i am?” he said, making an eye contact with me

excuse but i don't freaking care.

“do i look like i care? get out!” i said instead pulling the hem of his hoodie but then he suddenly stands up.

i realized he was taller than me but that doesn't matter right now. after giving me a look, before i could say more he was already outside.

“wow yang, didn't know you were this harsh.” eunjae who saw the whole thing clapped his hands.

“only for jerks of course.” i said and we both laugh, i then bid goodbyes with him, not forgetting to remind him some things.

i walked out of the store, i am going to school. i'm transferring to this new school near my grandma's house.

it's my first time enrolling by myself without the help of my parents, i just hope it isn't that hard.

i got in! of course i got it, it isn't that hard really, i just had to fill up some documents and pay for the tuition. the tuition fee was a bit expensive but i expected it, plus the money isn't really a problem for me.

i was excited to tell my grandma about what happened that i almost screamed when i entered the store. forgetting that there's someone other than us.

“grandma! i got in to the university!” i exclaimed.

“wow! congrats you deserve that! but you should lower your voice, there's someone else here beside us!” she greeted and gestured to the side.

i was about to apologies but when i saw his face my smile faded.

what is he doing here right now?!

the man looked at me with a smile, then gives a thumbs up.

did he really just pretend that nothing happened earlier.

“what are you doing here?” i immediately asked, with a tone of course.

“yah! you're scaring him!” the grandma spoke before hyunjin could.

i don't care!

“i'm sorry.” i apologized and give a a last glare before heading to the back door to change uniforms.

“i'm sorry about his behavior, he's really a nice person.”

i can here the faint voice of my grandma.

“it's alright, don't be sorry hehe...”

lovestay 🥰


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