꒰ you again ꒱

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third person pov

jeongin is in hurry cause he is late for something important. he is wearing a very formal suit, running like there's no tomorrow with a hot coffee in his hands. (a very dangerous thing to do if you would ask him himself.)

and he knows very well that people are staring at him but it's not like he care. the only thing he cares about right now is whether he could make it on time, or not and waste all the preparations he did

the last turn in the block is where the bus stop at, and of course like every cliche scenes, he fall over his feet, heck he's not even wearing heels. causing to accidentally spilling his coffee to someone.

“ow!” the man exclaimed. oh the look in his face.

jeongin immediately stands up from where he fall, the ground, and helped the other — saying he's sorry over and over.

when the man finally faces him, he then remember him. it was the sleeping man on their - his grandparents - store.

“you again!” jeongin gasped looking at the older. “just help me already!” hyunjin shouted.

unfortunately for jeongin, he ended up not going to the event instead, he bring the man named hyunjin at the hospital. but luckily for him, his parents seems to buy his lie which is him having a heavy fever.

he knew the other's name when the nurse ask for it earlier. the nurse also asked what's his relationship with the other, he can't answer it immediately because there is non and he started panicking then ended up saying they're boyfriends earning a look from the nurse but just shrugged it.

the doctor said that it might take days for it to completely heal and they can go home the same day.

once they got off the hospital, they just stood there in silence before the younger broke it.

“so, where do you live?” he asked, which the older answered, not really.

“um. the thing is i don't have one.” jeongin gave him a surprised look but hyunjin is avoiding eye contact.

“what do you mean?! where—” he was cut off by a ringing sound from his phone.

he then answered it when he saw that the caller is his grandmother. he's got a mouthful of curse but the worry is definitely can he heard from the tone that the elder has.

“i'm fine, i just got a little accident.”

“go home now, sorry for cursing i was just worried when your mother said that you didn't come!”

“okay, let's talk again later. bye!”

he hanged up and looked at hyunjin who was staring at him.

“let's get you home.” the younger said before walking, hyunjin following behind.

they got off the cab in front of his - jeongin's - house. “you're going to stay with me.. until you find your own place i guess.” hyunjin nods.

when the front gate opened, jeongin was engulfed in hug by his grandma before hyunjin caught her attention.

the grandma looked at jeongin, expecting to be introduced to his friend. but hyunjin cut him into it.

“hi! i'm hyunjin, we're friends.” the grandma mouthed an 'o' before letting them in. “i guess you know about me already, but i am jeongin's grandma, nice to meet you.” the elder, when they sat on the couch.

“what happened to you?” the elder, referring to the clutches. “oh, you know just got a little burn.” hyunjin said politely but to jeongin it was all sarcasm.

the attention goes from hyunjin to jeongin when his stomach growled. “okay! let's eat, i bet you guys are hungry!” they followed her in the dining table.

the table is filled with questions from the elder and it's peaceful, on the other hand hyunjin never miss a chance to taste every dish that is served. finally, real food.

“may i use the bathroom.” the elder nodded, asking jeongin to guide the way.

when jeongin got back from the table. his grandma gave him a look which he innocently smiled to.

“the last time i know, you said you don't have friends, who is he?”

“what, he is my friend, his name is hyunjin. i really haven't mentioned it before? maybe you just forgot about it...” jeongin said politely.

“hmm? sure, but why is he here and not home? did his parents knew?” the grandma asked, still suspicious. but before jeongin could speak, hyunjin got back already.

after the long ass dinner, jeongin guided the older to a guest room and leave him there to rest.

“mind telling me now?” his grandma whose sitting at the couch. jeongin sat across her and told her the misfortunes earlier.

the elder seems to understand it already when she didn't bother to ask more questions, and just told him to be careful next time and sleep.

while laying on his bed, it now make sense for jeongin when hyunjin slept in the store that day.

isn't hyoyeon so pretty 🤩 she is my bias in GOT. who's yours?


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