Chapter 7

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Okay so I went back and re-read chapter 6 and I'm so sorry guys that absolutely sucked! It was bad I hope the rest of this story is at least a little better for you guys, I also want to say thank you to the new followers I got and thanks for the votes on my story! It really helps me continue writing this story. Enjoy!

Erwin's POV
I woke up slowly and looked up seeing that I was still laying on top of Levi who was asleep with his arms wrapped around my neck, he looked so peaceful except that he still looked like he hadn't slept in ages. I reached over the side of the couch on the floor and picked up my pants then pulled my phone out of the pocket. I checked the time, noon, 'we have time to get cleaned up and take Levi back to the school so that his father can pick him up like he normally does' I thought then looked back at Levi as a small smile spread across my lips. Then I remembered the bruise on my boyfriends chest and frowned. 'Who would have done this to him, how could anyone hurt someone as amazing as him?' I reached up and carressed his cheek gently lifting my weight off of his chest carefully. "Levi, baby its time to wake up," my voice was soft as I spoke making sure that I didn't scare him if he was having a bad dream. His eyes opened slowly to reveal those beautiful grey orbs "hm?" His voice was lazy and tired sounding. I chuckled lightly and kissed his lips softly "we fell asleep sweetie," I explained upon seeing his confused look. He looked up at me and nodded "oh that makes more sense now," he responded softly. "I think we should get cleaned up then I'll take you back to the school so your father can pick you up," I told him a bit hesitantly. His frown told me everything. I could tell he didn't want to go back home, something was happening at home and I didn't like it.

We both got up and I led him slowly into my bathroom. I turned the hot water on then added a bit of cold to it so that it didn't scorch us both. I looked back and realised that Levi was looking at himself in the mirror and frowning at his reflection. I frowned slightly and walked over hugging him gently from behind "are you ready to tell me what happened?" I asked him in as gentle a voice I could manage. He looked away from the mirror with an annoyed "tch" and folded his arms across his chest "I told you Erwin, I got into a fight, that's all I'm saying." I sighed softly and nodded then let go of him "alright lets get cleaned up."

After we got out of the shower and we were both dressed I walked back into the living room and grabbed my keys off of the coffee table. Levi grabbed his backpack and walked to the door. I smirked slightly seeing the slight limp in his step. I followed him to the door and then we both walked outside and I locked the door behind me. "Alright lets go," I said and walked to my car opening his door for him. After he got in I walked around to the drivers side and got in then started it and pulled out of the parking lot of my appartement and drove toward the school.

Hey brats so there is chapter 7 I jope you all enjoyed it and I will start working on chapter 8 soon I promise you won't have to wait as long as you did for this one. Love you all, and don't forget to comment if you can! <3

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