Chapter 4

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Omg guys I'm sooo sorry its been such a long time I have had such horrible writers block and plus school and homework, but hopefully I can make it up to you all!
Levi's POV

Levi woke up accidentally letting out a loud scream. He observed the room around him quickly and saw Erwin's car keys on the table in front of him then quickly looked around for Erwin. When Erwin walked out of the kitchen and asked if he was okay Levi got up quickly despite the pain it caused him and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly mumbling "oh thank god it was just a dream," he felt Erwin tense up in his arms then relax and his arms wrapped around the Levi in a protective manner which made Levi feel so much better for some reason, like all of his worries just melted away. But he knew that they weren't gone he still had to deal with his father when he got home, he knew he would be punished, but he wasn't really worried about it at that point. He tightened his grip on Erwin wanting to simply be with his boyfriend and pretend that everything was fine.

He winced slightly as the pain in his chest came back to his mind. He felt Erwin lean back and knew he was looking Levi and he had felt Levi wince. He looked up at Erwin slowly and could immediately read the look of worry on his face, he backed away from him quickly moving both of his arms over the bruise on his chest "E-Erwin why?" Erwin's eyes narrowed noticeably "no Levi I think that's a question for me to ask, why didn't you tell me, why won't you let me take care of you?" He moved to Levi and put his hands on the shorter boys shoulders holding them a bit tightly. Levi looked up at him fear showing in his eyes "I-I didn't want you to worry about me" he hated being pittied even if it was from the only person he actually felt loved him anymore. Erwin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at his boyfriend "who did this to you Levi?" Levi looked down at the ground a bit annoyed at Erwin's question "I told you Erwin I got into a fight" his tone hardened as he spoke, he knew that if he told Erwin the truth he would get angry and most likely not let him go home and his father would make it worse by punishing Levi for telling anyone.

Okay I wanted to say thank you so much for the support, even if it was just a little it was enough to help me write this chapter and I really hope you all enjoy it I'll have another one up soon I promise it won't be as long of a wait

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