Cornelia Street

956 21 7

September 2016

-Taylors Pov-

I'm in a town car on my way to the airport to pick up Joe. My stomach is full of butterflies even thinking about him touching me again. I haven't told him yet that I've rented a townhouse, it isn't about him because of the renovation, but at the same time It's kind of is because I could have gone home to Nashville while they renovate. I just want to spend time with him, I'm having so much fun.

The car stops in the pick-up line and my security guy go outside to wait for him and I shot Joe a quick text

t- outside now

j- On my way

It takes a couple of minutes before I see him walking out of the door with his bag and a suitcase looking as handsome as ever. My security guy takes his bags and put them in the trunk while joe gets into the backseat with me

"Hello there babe" he says with a grin and lean over to kiss me. My eyes flutter shut as I feel his lips touch mine, it fells so nice. I've missed this, I've missed feeling his lips against mine and I've missed his familiar scent. His presence makes me feel like I've known him forever even though it's only been weeks.

"Hi, you" I grin and say as he pulls away.

"it's nice of you to pick me up" he takes my hand "the movie team has put us all up in a shared air bnb for the duration of the shoot"

I smile as his fingers intertwine with mine "well I think you should come with me for tonight at least" my gaze goes to the ground kind of embarrassed

"You sure? What about the paparazzi?" he says kind of concerned

Looking up at him I smile shyly "well, I've rented a place on Cornelia Street because they're renovating my building. But I've done it under an alias and the paparazzi haven't figured it out yet"

"that's clever" he says "it's nice you're staying in the city; I know you could have gone to one of your other properties"

I blush and can't meet his eyes, I don't want him to know that I really fancy him, I can't do that, so I come up with an excuse "well I record a lot in New York, so it makes sense"

By now we have reached the apartment. "I will go unlock the door and you can follow when I get inside k?" I smile at him and let go of his hand.

My stomach is full of butterflies as he comes inside and lock the door behind him. We are alone again now, just the two of us and it makes me as excited as a schoolgirl with a crush. I really don't know what to feel about the things I'm felling, I'm really scared that he is going to realize that this is not worth it for him and just leave. Therefore, I cannot allow myself to fall for him, it will hurt too much.

We get our coats off and we go into the kitchen "I'm starving, how about you?" I ask as I open the fridge.

"Same, what are we making?" he asks as he come up behind me and burrow his head into my neck and kiss it softly.

"mm" I moan while I try to concentrate, I need to fight the urges to just let loose and rip his clothes off, I'm not one of those girls. "How about ordering inn some sushi? Do you like that?" I say as I close the fridge.

He turns me around and presses me up against the fridge and look deep into my eyes while his hands rest on my waist "that sound good". his sparkly ocean blue eyes are looking directly into mine and I feel like the coldness that has bult up inside of me us melting.

I can barely take this tension, it's too much. Before he can kiss me again, I make my way out of his arms and towards my phone to order us some sushi. It's a constant fight in my head with wanting to be close to him but pushing him away at the same time because I'm just scared that he will realize I'm to messed up.

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