meet the parents

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-Taylors Pov-

We pull up at my parents' house and the gate opens letting us in. I park the car in one of the parking spots and look over at Joe who is clearly nervous, so I grab his hand "don't worry babe" and lean over to give him a gentle kiss.

We both get out of the car and grab our bags from the trunk before heading to the door. I open the door and we put our bags down inside before I yell "hello, we are here" and my mom's dog Kitty comes running

"Hi kitty" I say and lean down to pet her for a little bit and joe does the same "she is so massive" I say and laugh.

It doesn't take long for my parents and brother Austin to come towards the entrance, and I grab Joe's hand and we walk forward towards them, but I let his hand go again so I could give my mom a big hug "hi mom, I've missed you"

I let go of my mom and give my brother and dad a quick hug too before I turn around and stand next to joe "so this is my boyfriend Joe" I say and smile up at him.

My dad and brother reach out a hand to introduce themselves and joe returns it. But my mom walks over to him after the boys had greeted each other and just gives joe a hug "hi Joe, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Andrea"

We all walk towards the living room after the initial greeting, and I grab joes' hand and intertwine our fingers and with the others back turned to us as we walk, I turn to him and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

I drag Joe with me over to the couch and I slide down beside him under his arm, so it's wrapped around my shoulders

"you're from London Joe?" Austin says as he sits down on one of the other couches "yes I've lived there my whole life with my parents and two brothers"

"Have you meet his parents yet sweetie?" my mom says as she comes out from the kitchen holding a bunch of mugs "and do you guys want coffee or tea?"

"We are currently planning a trip there but not an exact date yet, Coffee for me please but mom I can help you" I say and start getting up from the couch, but she motions for me to sit back down "no it's fine Taylor sit down and relax. How about you joe?" she smiles at him.

"Tea please, thank you" he smiles back at her.

My dad starts to talk "are you having a meeting with the label and stuff while you're here Tay?"

"Yeah, I am, I'm just really unsure about what to do next. My contract is only for one more album and honestly, I'm thinking of not signing with them again, I feel like at this point it's not working anymore. I've actually started to research other labels, but I haven't told anyone yet because I don't want to start drama" I shrug my shoulders. The truth is that things with Big Red machine is just getting weird and I really want out, but I need to fulfill my contract first. And I do need to be on good terms with them because I'm trying to convince them to let me buy my masters.

Just thinking about that whole thing makes me anxious so I lay my head on Joe's shoulder and he tightens his grip around my shoulders to comfort me. We have talked a little bit about it, so he knows how I feel about that, and really, he is the only one I've talked about it too.

My mum comes back and fill everyone's cups with what we wanted "I heard things is getting bad for you again in the media? How are you feeling about that?"

Just hearing the words media makes me want to throw up I can't handle it, so I look down into my lap "I really don't know anymore. Now it's that whole thing with Kanye and the song where he is calling me a bitch and talking about having sex with me, and the song was one thing but then the video gets out where they basically have tried to find someone that looks like me and have her naked" I've tried my whole career to not sing directly about sex because I don't want people to picture me naked, that just creeps me out.

Everyone senses that this is not a topic I want to talk about, so they change the subject back to dig around for things about joe and me as a couple.

"So how did you guys actually meet, Tay you have never really told us that story" my brother leans back and take a sip from his coffee.

Thankful to have the topic changed to something I else I look up again and let my eyes meet joes for a second before I look back at my brother "well we met at the met gala when I went there with---" I stop for a second not wanting to bring up my ex "—with someone else, so we just talked briefly. Which was a disaster because I had a lot to drink that night so I made fun of his accent and then just ignored him because I thought he was cute, and I couldn't really talk to him without looking like an idiot" I laugh and turn my head into joes' shoulder for a second.

Joe picks up from where I left "and I thought she was just breathtaking so I couldn't stop looking at her, but you know, since she was there with someone else I respected that and kept my distance but I couldn't stop thinking about her for weeks" he actually haven't told me this before "and then selena actually got ahold of my number, called me up and said that I should give Taylor a call and then gave me her number"

Before he can continue, I shoot in "and we had actually had a conversation the night before where I was like I'm so done with boys that shit only leads to trouble for me, I'm done I'm going to be a single cat lady for the rest of my life was the thought in my head" I laugh, and I tell that.

"Selena was like no you need to talk to him, but I didn't want to because I was just done. But then he called, and I picked up" I gaze up at his beautiful face "and I though yeah let's have some fun but I'm not getting myself into anything more because I can't deal with that"

I give his leg a gentle squeeze and rest my hand on his knee before I continue "but then one thing led to another and we just spent a lot of time together having fun, just playing games and watching movies and such" I take a second to think back to those times. We had so much fun just being silly together.

"And with me being me I thought this wasn't real, so I ran away" I let out a slight laugh and my mom chimes in "you did not Taylor?!" I start laughing more "yeah I did, that was a jerk move" everyone joins in on the laughter

"But I really fancied her and though at least we should have an actual conversation, so I chased after her and got her to actually talk to me" his hand runs up and down my arms lightly

"And I was so scared because I thought it was a one-way thing, but turns out---" I look up at him "----it wasn't" I kiss him on the cheek making him smile "and things just unfolded after that"

Hours passed by and we ate lunch all together and just talked but then we got closer to dinnertime and I walk out on the porch to where joe is standing with my dad "joe I really want to take you out to my favorite place to eat" I say and walk up behind him wrapping my arms around him from behind "and are you being nice to him dad or did you scare him too much"

We all laugh "I'm being nice, just getting to know him" he pats joe on the arm "but you two go and have a nice evening out together. it's really nice that it's really no papz here so she is free to do more without all the precisions she needs to take elsewhere"

-joes Pov- ** before Taylor walked out on the porch**

Taylor's dad just motioned for me to follow him out on the porch, and I know this the talk I've known was coming and honestly, I'm slightly terrified. We stand out there and he just looks at me for a second "look Joe you seem like a good guy and I'm so happy to see her happy. I won't say it in front of her but just with the couple of hours I've seen you together she seems like a kind of happy I haven't seen her with anyone else before and that means a lot to Andrea and I."

Just hearing him say that is just everything I could have hoped for, but before I could say something he continues "but I've also seen her heart broken and I don't want to see that again, so just don't break it"

"I love her, and I just want to see her happy and support her" I say and blush slightly. I wasn't exactly planning on telling her dad I love her, but he smiles back so I guess he approves.

"that's good to hear, I don't think we will have a problem getting along Joe, you seem genuine" he says before he looks over my shoulder and I don't know what he is looking at before I feel arms wrap around my torso from behind, it's Taylor. 

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