loosing a friend

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-Taylors Pov –

"I'm in a getaway car, left you in the motel bar, put the money in a bag and I stole the keys, that was the last time you ever saw me! ahhh" I yell along with jack in the studio as we work on the bridge of getaway car. "Omg I love that" I chime and cup my face, that's such a good line. It explains the situation so well by creating a picture about how situations like that are doomed before they start. The whole song is basically about how someone who is driving the getaway car for you should realize that it would never work out. it's not a diss track for Tom, it's just a play of words with what that kind of situation is like.

"That's sick, I love this" jack joins in on my excitement. Working with him Is so fun it doesn't even feel like work at this point. He is one of my best friends and working with friends is fun.

We finish up the lyrics and order some sandwiches for lunch as we sit around the studio. "so Tay, how was London?" he says and take a bite of his food.

"London was good. he is so good to me. this morning he left for a movie, and I just miss him already. I've never felt like this before" I sigh and confess to him. I know that I can talk to him because whatever I've said to him has never ended up getting out, I know he is one of my real friends.

"I'm excited to meet him. I didn't have time to come to the party you had so I'm looking forward to you bringing him around sometime. You seem really happy; I've never seen you like this Tay" he says, and I blush slightly. I know that I've never been like this before because I've never felt like this before. Joe brings out the best in me.

"I've never felt like this. I'm really happy even though everything else is crazy. He hasn't run for the hills yet even though what's going on with the media and such, so I hope this means he plans on sticking around" the fear that he will end up leaving me is so engraved in me that it's hard to shake. It's hard to accept that someone like him would sacrifice his otherwise calm life to be with me in my crazy one.

"Well, I hope it works out for you. you deserve to be happy. And I know I've said this a million times, but I don't care what the media says, I know you for you and there is no doubt in my mind about you. the people making comments don't really know you. and the people that was in your life and makes comments now never really cared about you for who you are as a person, they only cared about the fame" he says, and I appreciate that. he always knows what I need to hear and that makes me happy. He has always been one of those people that doesn't beat around the bush, he just goes head on because he knows I appreciate the honesty.

"Did I ever tell you what happened with Karlie? The time she called me months ago?" I say and roll my eyes. He shakes his head "No, you never did. You haven't said you had a falling out either, but I figured something happened since I haven't seen her around" he says.

"Well, I will tell you because that was a shit show. and it makes me even mader that people think I ever was in a relationship with her. I think the called us Kaylor and that just makes me furious. I'm straight and people doesn't seem to respect that. but anyway I will tell you the story"

*** flash back***

I'm lounging around the house while joe is away filming, there really isn't much to do, and I have a lot to think about in terms of this situation we have going on. I really like him, but I don't know if he feels the same way or is just stringing me along. I'm dragged out of my head when my phone goes off, it's Karlie. We haven't spoken in a while, so I decide to pick it up.

"Hey Karlie, long time no talk" I say with my usual voice. We have been friends ever since I performed at the Victoria secret fashion show the first-time years ago. Over the years she has become more like a sister than a friend and we are constantly spotted together.

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