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"Then, what do you want to eat?" Sabo asks Azi. But just before Azi open his mouth to speak, the pale boy butt in

Killua tilted. "Sweets."

Sabo and Azi sighed heavily. They shook their heads. Killua rolled his eyes and focus on Sabo.

"Anyways, what did your dragon said? Why did he agree to us stay here, hmm?"

Sabo smirked. "Ha ha ha, Dragon-san can't just resist my charm," he said that while chuckling. When he saw Killua and Azi looking at him like he's some kind of crazy, he sighed. "Fine. They let you two here as long as you don't butt in our business and you two are my responsibility so behave, you two."

The two guests nodded like a dog. Azi really is innocent and will follow Killua wherever he is while Killua have a crazy idea while staying here. Killua grin darkly, good thing, the two isn't looking at him.

Days passed quickly and the two guests didn't do anything but to eat and talk to revolutionary members.

Killua, admit, he can't do anything. He wants to train as well but can't do it because he needs to capture their hearts first before he can do anything freely.

He's an evil, he know. He also noticed Sabo and he became more closer while Azi is just... Azi. Azi became more friendly these days and Killua is proud of him for that.

He thinks, Sabo always defends him to anyone because Sabo likes him. Not that he's assuming tho, he just noticed how Sabo reacted around him and his actions from these past few days. Sabo really kind to him and to Azi and he's grateful for that.

Speaking of, Killua and Azi had knew the news about Sabo's brother and died as a pirate. It's sad. Killua had thought if that will happend to his brothers if ever. If Illumi dies, he couldn't care less. As if he will cry if that lunatic dies. How about Milluki, he don't know, pity, perhaps. But if his sister, Alluka nor Gon dies, he might finish the whole hunter association for that... Well that's exaggerated lol.

Sad indeed.

Anyways, Killua hadn't spoke with Dragon nor see him around. Sad, he's planning to soften Dragon's heart for himself just like how gorosei' and marins had a soft spot for him.

Perhaps he was just bored. He can't go back to his dimension, he can't even go wander in ocean with Azi because it's dangerous for the two of them. Tho he can handle himself because, he, is the danger itself. He don't want to be stuck with the crazy elders so he doesn't have a choice but to stay here for a while.

He was bored.

Not until he met a beautiful and charismatic woman.

His new training partner, and old but sexy woman.

He rolled his eyes as he remember the first time they met.

They are having a quite dinner that night when they were interrupted by a tall sexy woman. She has a black bluelish shining hair, wearing a exposed dress.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt your dinner," said the woman who has a slight deep womanly voice.

"Oh, Robin! Come and join us," Sabo and other members who had joined their dinner, invited Robin to join them.

Killua moved closer to Sabo's ear to whisper, Sabo adjust and raised his brows to him. "Who's she?" A whispered with a curiousity tone, he asked.

Sabo chuckled, he eyed Robin who smiling to the guys who's offering her a food. Sabo look at Killua again. "She's Nico Robin. You might not know her past and history but she's a temporary member of us. She's a pirate actually..." He chuckled as he saw Killua's eyes widen a bit. Sabo cleared his throat. He waved at Robin who eyed and smiled at him.

Robin's gaze down to Killua. An unfamiliar face... She rose an eyebrow and she looks over the other unfamiliar beside the pale boy.

She walked towards them. She smiled at Sabo. "Sabo-san, haven't see you in a while, how are you?"

Sabo smiled, "We're great, Robin, What about you, how's your training?"

Robin smiled sweetly for the concern and told him, her training is good. "You might want to visit my training too sometime."

Sabo agreed to that.

Robin glance at the pale boy and tried to tease him. "Ah, cute boy."

Killua snapped at her, hell, who's the cute here? Him? Hell no! "I'm not cute!"

"Then, pretty?"

"Not either!"

"Then what are you?"

"H-handsome." He stutter. He can't believed it! Why would he stutter and pissed with a mere woman?!

"Ara~ kawaii~~" Robin, indeed, can't stop teasing him. She felt comfortable with the pale boy.

"Stop it!"

Azi can't stop smiling, seeing Killua being irritated, he looks at Robin. 'She's beautiful... Looks kind too.'

Robin noticed Azi's gaze. She smiled at him, Azi blushed at that and turned away. Robin chuckled and looked at Sabo again.

Sabo cleared a throat. "Robin, they are Killua and Azi. Our guests here," he told that to Robin. Turning to the two, Killua, Azi, she's Nico Robin, our temporary member, she's too having a vacation here while training," Sabo explained.

The three nodded.

Killua on the other side, yes he admit, he really finds her beautiful, she's got the vibes, telling too that she and he will become close.

And that really happened.

It's been months. Even eight months rather. In these long months passed, he didn't even noticed.

Many happens. Complicated, sad times when he remembers his dimension, bonding with his new friends.

He perfectly achieved his goal, softening Dragon's heart to him and it did. Who can even resist him, right? No one. Again, no one. But of course, he did it for whole five months because some of the members, including Dragon, is distant to him and to Azi.

He's even "loyal" now to the army. Tho yes, he's always got calls from the crazy elders, and marines. He's trying not to be rude here so he's still in contact to them.

Loyal his ass. Feels like, revolutionary army became his family here. He still wished to go home or let him keep his sister and Gon here with him.

"Killua, let's spar?" Robin asked him sweetly, handing her chocolate to him.

Killua took it and grins. "Bet."


Gawd. I missed this so much. I missed writing. Good thing I just got out from my writer's block and that was so hard. Like I know what to write but I cant write it. Darn huhu. I'm back at writing my fanfics. I just hope someone will still read my works🥲

Anyways im back!

Sorry if i fast forward the story, its just, i realized its so slow so i need to do that. Dont worry, i have planned what to write next chapter and that will be the bonding between Killua and Revolutionary army with Azi yey! And the chapter after that will be start of Sabaody Archipelago Arc so yeah stay tuned😉


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