Chapter 2

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Italics = thoughts
Small TW for SA
———————————————————————You felt a tingle in your mind as Mrs Malfoy watched you closely, you were confused.
"Professor Snape will not be returning." she says, before walking back to her desk.


2 hours later
"Can everyone please put the homework onto my desk as you leave the classroom."

Shit. I'd forgotten to finish it.

You quickly grabbed it out of your bag and tried to rush some of the answers but you hear the click of heels in front of your desk and a hand swiftly picks up your work.
"Unfinished?" Mrs Malfoy states and turns around, "shame."
You already knew that you had detention. Mrs Malfoy opened her mouth to say something but you butted in and grabbed your bag, walking to the door,
"Yes. Yes, I know. I'll be here after school." you mutter and then walk to your next class.

After School
Your day went pretty good, you'd managed to finish your homework for all your other classes apart from potions.

Of course.

You walk back to your potions classroom to find Snape sat at the desk.
"Wheres Mrs Malfoy?" you question as you start to walk to your usual desk at the back.
Snape completely ignores your question,
"No, you should sit at the front, this is detention."

You sigh and walk towards the front, as you reach the desk, Snape stands up and swiftly turns himself and pushes your waist into his desk.
You get cut off by Snape kissing you harshly, you smell alcohol on his breath and you go to push him away but he holds you against the wood of the table, holding onto your wrist and your waist.

He goes in to try and kiss you again but you move your head to the side, causing him to move his hand from your wrist to your face, holding your chin in front of him.
"You have your Mothers eyes."
Your Mother is Bellatrix.


"How do yo-" you get cut off again by another kiss, and his hand moving down your back. With your free hand you try to push him, or do anything that you could but it failed to work.

Narcissa ((Mrs Malfoy)) walked into the classroom as you let out a sob of some sort, hoping that would stop him, but it didn't.
"Severus Snape, get your body off of that girl!" Narcissa shouted.

This didn't stop him either, he slid his hand back up towards your shirt, trying to pull your jacket off and you shook your body in an another attempt to wiggle away. Snape pushes his hand further up onto your chest and you let out a small whimper in pain. This causes Narcissa to grab his wrist and pull him backwards, making him stumble from the effects of the alcohol.

You fell forward when he moved, since your body was being held onto by him, and you fell into Narcissa, who kept ahold of you and pulled your jacket and shirt back up for you.

"That girl is mine!" Snape yells, drunk, from behind you and Narcissa tightens her hug on you.
"I'm no one's." you say confidently and just as Snape gains the look of anger on his face, Narcissa pulls you out of the classroom and around the corner, leaning you against the wall with her hands either side of you to make sure Snape doesn't see you.
"Are you alright?" she says, concerned.
She looks at you, she's breathing a little heavy and her hair is perfectly sat on her shoulders and tucked behind her ears.

She looks perfect.

"I- yes.. i'm alright, thanks to you."
She gives you a small but friendly smile and checks that Snape is no where to be seen, then looks back at you.
"Well, you do have detention, let's go."

You two both make your way back into the classroom and you sit at the front, where Snape told you to because you didn't want to argue with Mrs Malfoy if she told you to sit elsewhere.
She gives you a sheet of potions questions to get to work on, you scan your eyes over it.

Easy enough.

You may not pay attention in class, but you were the smartest in potions. You had soon finished and Mrs Malfoy came over and checked your work, crouching in front of your table and reading your paper. From this angle, you are slightly higher than her, you are able to see down her shirt a little, you blush a little bit quickly look back at your table.
"Good work. It's all correct." you hear her say, as she stands up and walks back to her table, her hands in her pockets, pulling the material of her trousers tighter over her ass.
This took me multiple breaks to be able to write this lol, let me know some ideas if you have any🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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