Chapter 1: Bill's Woes

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It was a normal day in Alren. The guys were in the alley drinking a few cold ones, Dale was smoking his cigarettes, and Bill was crying over his ex wife....again....

"Bill. We get it. You miss Lenore. Now can you PLEASE shut up?" Dale scoffed. Bill cried for a few more minutes, much to Dale's annoyance. "So, Hank. What's this about a road trip?" Dale asked. "Oh well, its just gonna be me, Peggy, Bobby, and maybe Connie...Depending of Kahn is able to trust me." Hank replied. "Hank....I have a questio-" Dale was cut off by Hank saying that they couldn't come unless they had a vehicle to take. Dale then ran back to his house to talk to his wife. 

Meanwhile, Peggy, Bobby, and Luanne were packing up their suitcases. "Is Connie still coming with us, mom?" Bobby asked. "I'm gonna try talking to Minh later, we've been having some quarrels the past few days, so I am not too sure." Peggy replied before closing her suitcase. "Aunt Peggy?" Luanne called from the hallway. "I'm not sure what swimsuit to take with me. What do you think?" the girl held up two different bikinis before Peggy pulled off a nervous face. "Luanne, honey... It is almost winter time. We are going to Great Wolf Lodge for a reason." Peggy replied as Luanne went back to her room. Hank came back from the alley in order to chec on what his wife was up to.

"Hey Peggy I-" he was then cut off by Peggy shushing him, she was trying to call Kahn and Minh to see if Connie was still coming on the road trip. Hank shrugged and went to the living room to watch some TV. The next few minutes were Peggy trying to talk to Connie's parents while being berated with the common nicknames like "Redneck" and "Hillbilly" before finally settling on Connie coming with the family on the road trip to Great Wolf Lodge. 

Back at Dale's house, Nancy was having to put up with her husband begging for him to use the family van. "Sug. Why can't Hank just drive you?" Nancy said in a rather irritated tone of voice. "BECAUSE Hank said I can't come unless I use SOME form on transportation!" Dale whined. Nancy facepalmed and surrendered to Dale's needs, but she told him that John Redcorn would have to "help" take care of things while Dale was away. "Wait, is Joseph going too?" Nancy asked. "Aw damn. I forgot to ask. Then again, he wouldn't wanna go to Great Wolf Lodge at his age." Dale chuckled. "DID SOMEBODY SAY GREAT WOLF LODGE?!"  Joseph yelled from the distance. "You were saying, Sug?" Nancy said.

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