Chapter 3: Loss of a Gribble

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About an hour later, Hank and the others arrived at the first pitstop, but still no sign of Dale. Bobby and Connie stepped out of the car while Hank checked his mirror once again. "Where the hell is Dale? He should have been here by now!" Peggy said to her husband. "Honestly, Peg. I'm starting to worry myself." Hank replied before grabbing his phone. He tried calling Dale only to get a reply from NANCY! "Hey, Sugs." Nancy said. "Nancy. Its Hank Hill. I'm calling for your husband." Hank said before being cut off. "Look, Sug. Dale left his damned phone back at the house. I don't know where he is now, but I'm really busy helpng John Redcorn take care of some things." Nancy then abruptly hung up, leaving Hank in utter confusion. 

"That Dale..." Peggy sighed. "I know...I know..." Hank said. "All we can only hope for is that he's fine and probably on his way over." The couple then got out of the car and caught up with the kids. 

Back at the Hill house, Luanne had finally packed her suitcase before walking out of her room. "Uncle Hank! Aunt Peggy! I'm finally ready to go!" Luanne yelled. No response.... "Uncle Hank?" Luanne called, once again, no response. "Huh... Wonder where they went." she said walking outside with her suitcase. Thankfully, Nancy was outside at this time, casually hanging up the laundry. "Hey, Mrs. Gribble! Have you seen Un-" Luanne greeted before being cut off. "Your Uncle Hank and Aunt Peggy left an hour ago, Sug." Nancy said. Luanne, being disappointed, went back inside with tears in her eyes. 

Meanwhile, Dale was pacing about inside of his truck while his son was outside trying to get the attention of those passing by. "Bill. you have snacks, right?" Dale asked. Bill informed his friend that yes, he DID bring snacks, before Dale made a b-line for a plastic bag that had the snacks inside. "Let's see, chips, cheez-its, pretzels, peanut butter....RAW COOKIE DOUGH?!" Dale yelled. "Yeah, I've kinda been snacking on that the past few days. I brought 3 tubes of it if you want some." Bill said. "Bill Dautrieve... YOU'RE A FREAKING GENIUS!" Dale shouted with the cookie dough in his hand. Joseph then stopped what he was doing and peeked over to see what kind of bullshit his father was up to. 

"What's going on, dad?" Joseph asked. "Well, Joseph. Bill has blessed us with 3 tubes of raw cookie dough." Dale replied before attempting to open the tube. "Uhhh do you open this thing?" He questioned. Bill grabbed his friend's car keys and jabbed the tube with them. "There you go, Dale." Bill said licking Dale's dough covered keys. Dale and the others then helped themselves to the raw substance. "Just uh....make sure you save some for me..." 

Back at the pitstop, Peggy pulled out her cell phone and tried calling Bill. Only to be greeted with "This number has no signal. Please try again later." Peggy placed her phone in the cup holder before sighing in frustration. "Any word from Bill?" Hank said bringing a tray of nachos and cheese into the car. "Nope. Couldn't get a signal." Peggy said. "I swear these damn phones are really starting to wear out." She mentioned. "Well, that's what you get for buying a crummy phone from Mega Lo Mart I tell ya what." Hank replied. Peggy slammed her head on the steering wheel, hitting the car horn in the process. "Oops." she jumped. "Well....we'll just have to carry on without them." Hank sighed as Peggy started up the car. "Mrs. Hill. I feel like we might be forgetting somebody." Connie said. "Yeah....a guy named Dale." Peggy snorted. 

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