Chapter 4: Chuck's Grocery Emporium ( Owned By Mega Lo Mart)

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It had been a few hours since the pit stop, the sun was starting to set and Peggy mentioned that it would be a good idea to stop at a motel for the evening and that they'd pick up the pace tomorrow, Hank was hesitant at first but since Peggy had the wheel, he had no say in the matter. 

"Now where's the nearest motel in this freakin area." Peggy said as it began to grow dark. "Here, Peg. I'll take the wheel. I'm pretty good at driving during the night." Hank offered before being reprimanded by his wife's butchered Spanish which translated to "Please kill me now." when she meant to say that she wasn't stopping and didn't need any help. "I seriously hope Mr. Gribble is ok." Bobby whispered to Connie. "Me too..." Connie whispered back. "I bet Joseph is losing his marbles out there." She added. 

Meanwhile, Dale and the others had finished the last tube of raw cookie dough, Bill checked for another tube, but all that was left were chips and other salty items, with a few chocolates here and there. "Bill. We seem to have run out of cookie dough..." Dale said. "Sorry, Dale. I didn't know we'd wind up stuck here, that's why I only brought 3 tubes with me!" Bill exclaimed. Boomhaur went in to break up the argument and assured that he would try to fix this "dang ol mess." And as for Joseph? He was asleep in the driver's seat. "Boomhaurs right..." Dale said. "We're arguing over some depressing snack bill probably eats 24 hours a day. Plus it wouldn't be a good idea to wake my precious son up over something so minor." he sighed before retreating to a sleeping bag. Boomhaur pulled out his cell phone and attempted to call a tow truck. 

Back on the road, Peggy finally found what she thought was a motel. "Look guys! I found a casa de motel!" She pointed out. "Peggy...I really don't think that's a-" Hank pitched before they sped into the parking lot, crashing into a disabled sign in the process. "Let's just pretend that never happened." Peggy whispered before the others got out of the car. "I'd say we should probably get at least 2 suites for the night. Just in case Dale and the guys catch up during the night." Hank said fixing his glasses as they entered the building. 

This building in particular wasn't anything CLOSE to a motel, but rather a giant grocery store, similar to the Omega Mart that exists today. "Oh my God..." Hank gasped. "Welcome to Chuck's Grocery Emporium! Where the prices make you feel even better than Mega Lo Mart." An employee greeted as Hank and the others passed by. "Peggy...What in the hell did you get us into..." Hank whispered to his unresponsive wife. "Let's just make the most of it, Hank. We may never come here again!" Peggy retorted. "Ok fine...Now where's Bobby?" Hank sighed. 

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