Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1: The start and a heart's sorrow-

In a cold and lonely night with nothing or no one just the howling of the wind accompanying you through the frozen forest that you’ve always known. Your eyes wander aimlessly through the dark surroundings listening to every small sound that appears through the air and fills it with something else than the winds howl. Just a second ago the air was filled with laughter and the surroundings were filled with light and people but now you were alone and your family was lying lifeless on the floor. How did this happen? How did you get here? Let’s go back a few hours and review what happened.

We can see a happy Y/N dining with their family at the table. The night was cold and snowy but they had their family and a small fire to warm them up. As your mother gets up to get the dessert she had prepared in celebration of your recent engagement to the wealthiest guy in the neighborhood your ears catch the small but quick sound of someone outside. You quickly look at the direction of the sound but see nothing because of the tatami blocking your view to the outside. In just a blink of an eye the screaming of your mother filled the house completely. Terrified, you get up as fast as you can and run to the kitchen just to see a person eating your mothers body as fast as possible. Her eyes wide filled with tears and a horrified expression, her last moments written in her expression as she died. 

You were horrified and felt the color drain from your skin. As you stand there looking at that thing eating your mother from the living room you hear your sister and father scream before hearing them choking. You make your way into the living room and find another two of those creatures attacking them. You had heard of these creatures before they were called demons. In your village demons were not something you would see often; they were even considered a myth. They were wrong, those demons were not a myth, they were there in front of you and you weren’t doing anything to stop them. Suddenly the room was filled with a blinding light and the warmth of many fires.  You opened your eyes to find a man standing in front of you with his sword on his hand while the demons started to disappear as their heads fell to the ground. You think about thanking your mysterious savior but instead you run away scared.

That’s how we got to this point. Running through the woods even if the situation is dangerous. Suddenly your feet stop touching the floor and you are greeted with the cold sensation in your face from the snow that was against it now. You crie out scared for your life as you feel weight over your weak and tired body. As you look up you see one of those creatures staring right back at you. Scared for your life you scream in hopes to be saved but nobody responded to that call. It was over for you already you would die in the hands of a demon just like your family. You feel the warmth from their agitated breathing at that moment you gave up in hope and went limp putting no resistance. In that moment you felt their body fall completely onto yours and felt some warm liquid gushing out of them.When you opened your eyes you saw it. The liquid was actually blood and the demon had died from decapitation just like the ones that murdered your family.

“ If you’re going to give up on your life that quickly than you wont last long in this world”

The deep,strong and harsh tone of that man caught your attention, making you look at him. Who are you? Why did you save me? Those were the questions stuck in your head but instead of saying those questions you got up pushing the body off of you and ran to the man with blond and orange hair. Your arms wrapped around his torso as the tears streamed down your cheeks  onto your chin. Grasping for every breath of air you could get hiding your face on his chest. He seemed to understand the situation rather quickly and embarrassed you without saying a word. After a while you calmed down enough to let go of him and with your puffy red eyes looked up at thim.

“Thank you for saving me twice. Can I perhaps know your name?”

The man smiled and with his arms crossed said “Kyojurou Rengoku...My name is KYojurou Rengoku and I am the flame hashira”

The flame dancer (Rengoku Kyojurou  x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now