Chapter 4

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-Chapter 4:Rediscovering the past and changing the future-

It seemed to be a cold night. There was snow outside but the tatami helped the warmth of the small fire kombat the cold feeling. There was confused Y/n looking at their family dine happily with traditional clothes on. They sensed something was wrong as they heard in between the howl of the wind a noise of fast movements.”Y/n what’s wrong dear? You look concerned, aren't you happy that you are getting married to the richest man in the village?” Getting married you didn’t know what they were talking about but suddenly all these memories flooded you. It was confusing how suddenly you understood everything happening and how you needed to act. “Oh it is nothing that you need to worry about. I just had my mind in another place.” Your mother smiled at your answer to her question and got up. “I will be back, I just need to get something from the kitchen”.As you heard those words your heart sank you felt something was wrong as if you knew what was about to happen.

Despite your gut feeling you continued conversing with your sister about how happy your brother would be if he was alive.A scream of terror invaded the house for a second before being partialy silenced but the sound of chocking. You got up immediately and went to the kitchen and there you saw your mother on the floor. His last moments frozen in time in the expression of her dead body. A creature known as a demon eating away at her body not minding your presence as if it knew that you were going to be able to get away. Before you could even react the same screams were heard from the room your sister and father were in.You went towards them just to witness the same scene. You fell to the ground on your knees with an expression of shock. You wanted to cry so bad but the tears wouldn’t come out. You were frozen in place about to be murdered like your family. But a flame of hope was sparked in your heart when a light as warm as the fire appeared. The flame soon turned off letting you see your savior. But you didn’t care, this gave you a chance to run away and that is what you did.

As you ran a feeling of sadness and loneliness overcame you. But it wasn’t long before a feeling of being chased camed in. Once again your gut feeling was right. A demon was following you and no matter how fast your legs moved he was still catching up with you. Just when you saw the light of the moon shine down on an exit you felt your whole body in the air for a second before slamming against the cold snow.Panic came over you as you felt their breath and weight over you. It couldn’t be, you couldn’t die like this in this story. It shows that they made it to the last moments of the war and were victorious. Why is it that you are in this situation now? Had you already failed the mission? Suddenly the flash of light and warmth of a fire invaded the place and a liquid warm substance graced your skin. You felt the weight fall off your body and saw a head fall besides you. 

“Are you alright?” A firm, masculine and authoritative voice called out to you. You looked up, fixing yourself and saw those beautiful red and yellow eyes that sparked a fire inside your heart. “You saved me, again” You wanted to say his name but couldn’t remember all of a sudden and he seemed to also not remember your’s. “What is your name? I need to thank you properly for saving my worthless life”.You knew history had to repeat itself and historically they didn’t know his name before being saved by him. “I am the flame hashira, Kyojurou Rengoku” You smiled finally remembering his name “Thankyou for saving my life Kyojurou Rengoku I will forever owe you my life” You hugged him and suddenly you felt the raging urge to cry “May I?” he understood and said “Yes”. Tears started rolling down your cheeks and unbearable pain came over your heart.You were feeling everything they felt and experienced that day. Your hearts shriveled in pain and sorrow. After a while of crying in his chest you felt a weight lift over you and while remaining in his embrace you said. “I am Y/n….” 

Suddenly everything blacked out and when it came back you were walking by each other’s side and arriving at a house.Memories of the house flooded your brain and memories of the conversation that was supposed to happen in the way also flooded you. As you got close to the house you felt a tug in your heart that told you not to leave Kyojurou. Your fiance was called and he just screamed and demanded things of you. By impulse you took the ring off and threw it at him.”I am no property of your’s and I will not tolerate you speaking to me that way...You should learn some manners and learn how to treat your fiance better next time. Rengoku-san can I...Become your student?” You said as you turned to kyojurou “Yes, you may”he replied in a strict tone. After that then again you had blacked out and woke up in the bed with a uniform by the side and a sword on top of a table.

“What the….” Before even finishing memories once again flooded your tired brain and a voice came in “Now it is up to you I have maintained important points intact in their story now you will have to continue the story. Don’t fail” You were confused totally and Kyoujurou came in with a look of confusion too.”So umm I assume you also received the same message but mine came with a lot more information that i shouldn’t tell you” You were confused as to why was he telling you that. Was he trying to tease you now? “Hey darling I have something to ask you” You smiled and said “Yes?” he came close and held your hand “Get dressed and meet me outside I will tell you there ok?” Confused, you agreed and got dressed. After tying your long hair back you went out.Outside waited Kyojurou kneeled in one knee with the rest of the hashiras behind him. “Y/n I know it hasn’t been long since I met you but I wanted to ask….will you marry me?” You smiled as tears formed in your eyes and nodding fastly you said “Yes! Yes Yes!” he got up and kissed you then he put the ring on your finger while everyone cheered behind him. 

The wedding wasn’t big, it was something small in his house and honestly it was something planned in 1 week because time was running short. You met his father and brother as his wife.Time passed differently, by the time the mugen train event was supposed to happen it didn’t. That just meant everything was changing but it gave you time to have a honeymoon with kyojurou. It was adorable and the first time you saw him in full nakedness. It was a wonderful night and he was so gentle and passionate with the way he touched your body. 

It wasn’t long before you both woke up in the future “What the hell?!” you looked at your clothes and body and the voice said “Thank you for changing their past...Their soul has finally moved one and the past has been amended” you got up and took your history book and there it was their name was in the was your name tho. You asked your mom and she said that she took your name from the flame dancer. The future had definitely changed.

The flame dancer (Rengoku Kyojurou  x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now