Chapter 3

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-Chapter 3: rebirth and new beginnings-

Y/n a 18 year old young adult sat in the middle of class waiting for the bell to mark the ending of their fourth and last year of high school. It was 3 minutes away but they seemed like an eternity. The teacher was doing absolutely nothing just like the students. Y/n looked at Kyojurou their best friend since childhood who was also looking at the clock and holding their hand tightly. It was incredible hearing the bell ring 2 minutes before the time it should and you both got up almost screaming. “Yeah! We are finally free!” you screamed while grabbing your laptop “Let’s go for a ride to celebrate!” Kyojurou followed by screaming “Heck yeah!” you both left. Kyojurou holding your hand while running and laughing was almost like a scene out of a movie. In this universe that you had both created there was nobody else, only you and him against all odds. This was friendship at its fullest. 

You both got to your house he was driving the whole time. When you both entered the house you were greeted by your mom who was cooking in the kitchen. You two went up to your room and laid on your bed “How about we watch the third season of our favorite tv show” you said with a smile in your face “Heck yeah! Let me just call dad and tell him that I will get home later than expected”. He called him that and he obviously said yes because you both were neighbors so it wasn’t as if he had to worry about his son driving late at night. After getting permission you turned the tv on and cuddled up with him. It was normal for you two to be hugging and cuddling each other in bed. It wasn't like you two liked each other, it was just more comfortable to watch the tv like that.The main character in the series proposed to the female lead actriz and you both laughed at how cringe and silly the proposal ended up being. “Maria Rosa will you…..accept being my wife? I will give you all the riches of the world….you...will...never suffer or...lift a finger in your life….please say yes” Kyojurou copied the lines the male from the series said but making them way more dramatic “I….I can’t…. I am in love with francisco” you said following his lead “But Marie he does not deserve you… he is poor and ugly your… you are like the morning sunshine that fills my senses you were meant to be mine”. You tried to hold back your laughter and said “Esteban! I have made my choice I am marrying Francisco tomorrow in the chapel and we will run away together” he sighted just like the actor and said “If I must lose you tomorrow at least let me seal this undying love for you with one last kiss” He got close to you and you faked kissing passionately but ended up bursting into laughter.

After that both of you joked around before calming down again and laying back down to cuddle and continue watching. “Hey Y/n” you kept looking forward and just said “Hmm?” he sighed and said “Even when we get to college will we...continue to be friends and do this every day?” you giggled and answered “Even when we are old farts I will still be here and we will still come together to watch our shows, I promise” you felt his arms wrap around you tighter and he smiled “I am glad to hear that”. A few hours went by and instead of watching your show you were both singing and dancing “That’s my best friend he a real bad bi- got his own car he don’t need no bi-!” while you were both singing that your mother came in “Y/n stop screaming and making noise your sister is here with your nephew and the baby is trying to sleep”. You turned bright red and apologized, then Kyojurou and you started laughing before turning the music down and sitting back down to see a scary movie since it was already night time.Yeah that wasn’t a good idea you cowered into Kyojurou’s arms because the movie really got in your names and for the first time in many years you looked at Kyojurou with different eyes. He was so calm and gentle with how he covered /protected you and made sure to pause in case you were way too scared. “Kyojurou…” He looked down at you  “Hmm?” you put your hand on his cheek and got close to his face kissing him softly. That was your first kiss and you didn’t know that it was also his. The kiss was really short, almost like a small peck “Y/ kissed me” the red of his cheeks matched the red of the tips of his hair “yes, i am sorry I won’t do it again” He stopped you “Why not? I won't stop you if you wanted to kiss me again” 

The flame dancer (Rengoku Kyojurou  x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now