Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2: Everything was a dream? Or was it the future?-

As you opened your eyes you were surprised by the figure of a tall man standing on the side of your bed looking right at you with a face that reflected the same confusion that yours had. “Darling?I asked if you're ok...hello? Why are you looking at me like that, as if you just saw a ghost?” You snapped out of it and said “Darling? What day is today? Why are you talking to me like that?” Now Kyojurou looked way more confused. “What do you mean? We’ve been dating for more than a year now...your parents even gave consent for our relationship because I’m older than could you forget something so important and funny?” SO let’s gather the information: you have been dating Kyojurou for over a year, your parents seem to be alive and Kyojurou now has to ask for permission to date you because he is only 2 years older than you… how? When? And where?.

All you remember are demons and fighting and that everyone you loved was dead. How was it possible that suddenly they were all fine. Wait...what kind of clothes is that? Kyojurou is wearing a weird type of clothes and it’s nothing like his uniform.”Kyoujurou….where are the demons?” Kyojurou laughed like you had just told the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life which confused you more than ever. “Y/n that happened many many years ago demons no longer exist...did you hit your head or something? I think history class is starting to get to your head” he flicked my forehead with his finger and smiled down at me “Come down stairs when your ready breakfast is ready and we are going to be late for school if you don’t hurry up” When he mentions history class it all came back to you. Your age, the era, the day it was and how you were studying for an exam for history class. 

You didn’t let your mind wander farther because it already started to hurt your head. You went to take a bath and get ready to go to class but everything felt weird. When you got ready you went down the stairs and sat down “Kyojurou did you ever feel like the life you're living isn’t yours and you start to feel weird about it?”Kyojurou looked at you like if you were going crazy “Yeah I did have one of those days but everyone does is something really normal darling….like are you sure you feel ok because you are acting weird” you sigh giving up “It’s nothing kyoujurou i'm just out of it today I just don’t feel like myself but I guess it….” And suddenly you were opening your eyes? Again? “Oh god they’re back” you looked at everyone confused “Where am I?” you asked with a raspy voice “You're in the recovery room after your horrible accident 5 years ago” What? 5 years? Accident? What was happening? “Where is Kyojurou? And how has it been 5 years?” and as you asked you received the answers.

Your name was Y/N Y/L/N and you were Y/A. Sadly you had been involved in a car accident 5 years ago. Kyojurou was actually your best friend and had been your best friend since childhood. He wasn’t in the accident but he was part of your emergency contacts so when your parents didn’t pick the phone up they called him. He was extremely worried for you and when you entered a coma he was devastated. The only reason that he wasn’t there when you had woken up was because he was working. He worked in the mornings and took his lunch in the hospital with you while trying to tell you about everything he had done in the day and he would leave again to finish his shift. After his shift was over he would come and stay the night with you talking and moving your arms and legs so you would lose that much movement when you finally awoke. He would always say “When they awaken we will go everywhere together and I won't leave their side ever again even if it means that when they get married I have to live with them , their husband and their children” it was kind of cute how positive he was all the time even when odds were against him.  He had 3 girlfriends during that 5 year span of time and they all left him because for him you were first. As you heard the story everything actually started to make sense. Everything had been a dream. You had two dreams a demon slayer one that was based on the history class you took when you were younger and one of your “normal life” and you dreamed everything with you and rengoku since the only voices you heard during the coma where his and some other friends that is why everything was based around them and you.It all made sense somehow but how and why did it feel so real?

The flame dancer (Rengoku Kyojurou  x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now