A Tea Party in Mondstadt

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Venti started to quickly fall behind, as the bubbly Barbara dragged Xiao across the city, holding her hand in his. "Where exactly are you taking me, Princess?" Xiao asked, smiling alongside her.

"Well, there's a place I've never been to before and I'm sure you've never been there either. So, I want us to try out dandelion wine together!" Venti felt hopeful, if only for a twinge of a second. After being the third wheel for what felt like decades, Venti spoke up.

"Oh, I can vouch for you guys! I used to live there!" Barbara jumped, just now realizing he was there.

"Thank you, bard. Say... what was your name again?" Xiao pretended not to care as Venti introduced himself, explaining that he was supposed to perform at their wedding, as well as be Xiao's only friend. "My, that's very sweet of you!" Barbara smiled brighter than before. "We should have you lead the way. You probably know where it is." Her ears twitched with delight as Venti led the duo to the tavern where Diluc was sure to be found. He kept looking back, to see Xiao still keeping up his charade of enjoying Barbara's affections. Barbara would speak to him, but Xiao only hummed or nodded in response.

Eventually, they found the front door of the tavern, a familiar aroma filling Venti's nose. The smell of the cinnamon buns Diluc would make for breakfast and occasionally ate throughout the day if they were not finished off by afternoon. Venti insisted he let them in, opening the door for them. Diluc was at the bar, his eyes widening at the sight of royalty.

"O-oh, I didn't expect you, your highness," he kept his composure, still wiping away at a dirty glass. There wasn't any music, being all gone from Venti's absence. However, the entire vibe of the room was still lively, with people drunk, laughing, and giggling. A group of marines began singing shanties, missing their time out on the seas. Venti hummed along, catching Xiao's surprise.

"I didn't take you for a pirate," he said. Diluc chuckled at the statement.

"No, Venti just enjoys all kinds of music," he smiled, happy to see the young man again. Venti hopped up on a seat at the bar, enjoying a head pat from his adoptive brother. "I see you've been having an easy time living all by yourself."

Venti puffed out his chest proudly, creating a very smug expression on his face. "Yeah, well, being the best musician in Teyvat will do that for you." Xiao interrupted the conversation.

"Really, now?" He started. "I've heard that Thoma's sister plays a mean shamisen." Xiao sneered at the smaller boy. Venti pouted.

"Yeah? Well, I've never heard of either of them, so... I'm more important." Venti's smug expression returned. Diluc laughed again, reminding Venti of the past and how Diluc almost never genuinely smiled unless they were alone.

"I'm sorry, you are...?" Diluc asked when he had calmed down. Venti jumped in surprise.

"Oh, yeah! This is Prince Xiao Alatus Morax of the Liyue Empire! I'm going to perform at his wedding to the lovely Princess Barbara." Venti tried to hide the despair in his heart as he spoke, putting on a smile, just as Xiao had done the entire day. "We came back here to meet her, actually."

"And why are you here? Trying to take a trip down memory lane?" Diluc teased. Xiao and Barbara sat in the chairs next to Venti, Xiao between both of them.

"No, we wanted to try out Dandelion Wine!" Barbara exclaimed, still as bright as before. "Xiao and I have never had it before, so we wanted to try it together as a bonding moment."

Xiao muttered something under his breath, but she didn't notice. Diluc nodded. "I assume you won't have to put it on a tab to pay me, being royalty and all," he asked. Barbara confirmed his statement as Diluc began pouring the wine into glasses.

"Can you tell me what it tastes like? I would assume it doesn't taste like dandelions," Xiao spoke, poking about his glass.

"I wouldn't entirely know, I don't enjoy alcohol. I keep some grape juice in the back if you change your mind." Diluc's eyes darkened. He hadn't entirely been open about what happened in the past, so Venti didn't entirely know. He had been adopted by Diluc long after the event, only knowing it tore Diluc and Kaeya apart. Barbara politely apologized and sniffed her glass. She seemed hesitant, taking in the strong scent. "It won't kill you either, with a dose as small as that."

Barbara took another small whiff, before reluctantly taking a sip. She took a few more, smacking her lips to keep the taste lingering. "Oh, it's... surprisingly sweet." Xiao did not hesitate at all, gladly sipping every now and again.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Diluc replied, before asking if she wanted a refill. She refused, so Diluc put the bottle away. "I can't keep it out, or else everyone will beg for it."

A bit of time passed, the couple finishing off their drink. Both seemed a bit tipsy, slurring only a little but seldomly. "I think you two have had enough. I'm sure the queen misses her little sister," Diluc spoke calmly. "Besides, you're hogging up the seats at the bar. I can send you home with some dampfnudel if you'd like." Venti thanked the older man.

"Venti, I'll bring Barbara back. You can stay here and reminisce if you'd like. I will likely have my own room in the castle." Xiao looked around the room, making sure nobody was looking and planted a kiss on Venti's forehead. Not even Diluc saw, who had kept a close eye on the young man. Venti agreed and watched his beloved leave, helping Diluc clean up, as it was closing time.

About an hour of cleaning passed. The only thing to be heard was crickets outside. Venti recalled the time he and Xiao swam in the river. The crickets sounded just like this. He would've been lying if he didn't say he wished Xiao had taken him there. Maybe Keqing wouldn't have heard. Maybe she wouldn't have known. Maybe they could run away together. Maybe if he wasn't a prince.

"Your room is still available," Diluc said, breaking the silence. Venti's heart jumped when he heard his voice. He was the Diluc he had known his whole life and loved. "I know you probably need a place to sleep tonight. Damn nobles, never even thinking about all the people they have under their boot."

"Thank you, Master Diluc." Venti almost cried, hiding it with a smile.

"I told you to drop the 'Master' thing, you're like my brother." Venti was even more surprised when he felt Diluc's arms around him. He submitted, giving in to Diluc's warmth. "I missed you, you know. I was worried you'd be eaten alive out there."

"Good thing I didn't. You know I have wind magic, I can defend myself." He felt Diluc's chin on his shoulder, his warm breath tickling his left cheek.

"Yeah, but... That Fatui guy. He could be anywhere. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't there to protect you."

"You gave me my freedom. You gave me life. You don't need to give me anything else."

"But I want to." There was more silence, Venti practically in Diluc's lap. "You're usually more bouncy than this. Is it too much of me to ask what is wrong?"

"I..." Venti contemplated telling Diluc everything.


Meanwhile, a sleeping Xiao, or at least trying to sleep, saw a purple flash outside his window.

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