Chapter 1

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Vanessa's pov

Mary Margret and David had just convinced Emma to take the hard path and try to send the trigger that is going to destroy the town through a portal. Now Emma, Henry, Mary Margret, David and I ran to the mines to save the town.

"What are you doing here?" Regina asked when we came.

"You were willing to die to save us. That makes you a hero. And now we're gonna be heroes." Henry answered.

"We're gonna open a portal, throw this thing into a void." David informed Regina.

"No. You don't know that it'll work." Regina said.

"We have to try." Mary Margret said.

"Everybody, step aside." David said. We did as he said. Emma was on her way to bring out the bean. "Emma?" David asked.

"It's empty." Emma answered. Regina looked at Henry for a second. "Hook." Emma said.

"I can't contain this much longer." Regina said. Emma went to David and Mary Margret.

"Mom, Dad." Emma said and gave them a hug. Henry went to Regina.

"I love you, Henry. I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I'm just not." Regina said and whispered the last part. Henry gave Regina a hug. Emma walked over to Regina.

"You may not be strong enough." Emma said. I took a step forward.

"Maybe we are, together." I spoke. Henry, David and Mary Margret walked away to take shelter. Both me and Emma used our magic to help Regina stop it. All of us were flying backwards, but we made it. We saved Storybrooke.

"We're alive." David said to Mary Margret. They rushed to Emma.

"Emma! Oh, God!" Mary Margret said. They helped her up. I got up. Regina was also up. She picked the diamond up.

"We did it!" Emma said.

"Yes, we did." Regina answered.

"Got to hand it to Henry. He's right about a lot of things." David said.

"Yes, he is." Emma agreed. "Isn't that right, kid?" Emma sked Henry, but he wasn't there. "Henry?" Emma asked.

"Henry?" Regina asked. We were on our way out of the mines.

"Henry?" Emma called. Emma ran forward to something.

"Emma, what is it?" Mary Margret asked. Emma picked it up.

"They took him." Emma said. We ran out of the mines. We were on our way to the harbor.

"Emma, you don't even know where you're going!" Mary Margret said.

"Doesn't matter. I have to find him. I'll track them down in hell if I have to." Emma said. We saw Greg and Tamara hold on to Henry. Greg threw something in the ocean.

"The last bean." Regina said. We heard a booming sound. "They opened a portal." Regina said. We ran forward as fast as we could. I was a good sprinter so I was first.

"Henry!" Both Emma and David shouted. We saw when they jumped over the edge. They disappeared just when we got up.

"No, no! No. We have to follow them. There has to be a way!" Emma said. David held on to her so she not jumped in the ocean after them.

"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean." Regina said.

"I don't care!" Emma said with a higher voice.

"Without it, there's no way to follow." Regina said.

"There has to be. We can't let them take Henry!" Emma said.

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