Chapter 6

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No one's pov

Regina were trying to teach Emma magic. 

"Focus. Concentrate." Regina said. 

"It's kind of hard when you're talking in my ear." Emma said. 

"And when the wind blows, or it's raining, or someone's shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration's hard. That's the point. Focus your anger and use it to focus." Regina said. 

"No. There has to be a way without going dark." Emma said. 

"You're such a pathetic waste of ability." Regina said. 

"And you're a monster." Emma said. 

"Smell that?" Regina asked. 

"What?" Emma asked. 

"Smoke." Regina answered. Emma looked at the fire. David sighed. 

"This is a bad idea." David said. 

"She has it in her. She should learn to use it. We just have to trust her." Mary Margret said. 

"Yeah. It's not Emma I don't trust." David said. Hook walked to David and Mary Margret. 

"We need to talk. Pan and Vanessa paid me a visit. They told me that Neal is alive. That he's on this very island." Hook said. 

"No, Emma saw him. He was shot. He fell through a portal. No one can survive that." Mary Margret said. 

"Well, he did. And now he's here. They said they took him from this very camp while we were off in his cave." Hook said. 

"According to Pan and Vanessa. If they're telling the truth." Mary Margret said. 

"Why would they tell you? What does he hope to gain?" David asked. 

"Who knows why he does anything? He has his reasons, but it's a sure bet they're not good ones." Hook said. 

"He's telling the truth." Mary Margret said. She rose and walked over to a tree. David and Hook followed her. "The tracks. And a scuffle. Someone was here while we were gone. We have to tell her." Mary Margret said. 

"No, no, no. She already lost Neal once, and if this is a game, we can't put her through losing him again." David said. 

"He's right. Either way, telling her is what Pan wants. Which is why we shouldn't do it." Hook said. 

"You want to find him without letting her know?" Mary Margret asked. 

"Why hurt her unnecessarily?" Hook asked. 

"I've never lied to her before." Mary Margret said. 

"You're not lying. You're just keeping a secret until confirmation." Hook said. 

"Secrets always seem to keep us from the people we really care about." Mary Margret said. 

"And sometimes secrets protect the people we love." David said. He, Hook and Mary Margret got ready to go and save Neal. 

"It we're gonna hide this, we need a good cover story." Mary Margret said. 

"Done." David said. 

"Not a problem." Hook said. Emma and Regina walked to them. 

"Where are you guys going?" Emma asked. 

"To get water." Hook said. 

"Get firewood." David said at the same time as Hook said "to get water". 

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