Feuds between friends

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Draco and I returned to the castle with roses in our cheeks and pockets full of Zonko's joke shop merchandise and sweets just as the sun was going down. We walked laughing into the great hall and he walked me up to the gryffindor common room.

“Thank you for an amazing day, hermione,” draco said and smiled. “It was really fun.”

“yes, it was! I've never had that much fun before,” I said, and was about to say more when he leaned down and kissed me. It was a small kiss, no more than a small peck on the lips, but still it filled me with warmth. I smiled up at him, blushing furiously.

He was about to say something, when Ron elbowed his way between us and into the common room, a look of hurt on his face. Harry came right behind him.

“Sorry, hermione,” he said, “talk to you later.” and walked after Ron.

“goodnight,” I said to Draco, knowing I had to go in there and talk to Harry, desperately wanting to hex Ron, and regretting having to leave Draco.

“Goodnight, Hermione,” he answered, and turned and walked down the stairs.

I stomped into the common room, and got my sights set on Ron. When he saw me coming towards him, his face became stony.

“You arse Ronald Weasley! You just have to disturb any nice moment I have that you come across! How dare you!”

“Calm down, Hermione, it's just Malfoy, it's not like it was going to evolve into anything anyway.” Ron answered, looking at a bronze knut he had found in his pocket as if it was more interesting tan the conversation.

“not gonna evolve? Ronald you idiot! I like this guy, okay? Just because you can't have me doesn't mean you have to try to wreck any other relationship I ever have!”

“well, who says that's what I was doing?” he asked, more annoyed than angry this time.

“Because that's what you're best at, isn't it? Wrecking things.” God, he was such an idiot.

“well, at least I have FRIENDS, you frumpy little mudblood!” he shouted at her, and stomped up to her bedroom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

“God, Harry, I've really done it this time. She'll never talk to me again,” Ron announced.

“don't worry, she'll come to her senses.”

“you don't understand. I called her a mudblood!”

“Ron, you're doomed.” Harry announced sarcastically. “all hope is gone. Idiot! All you have to do is say sorry, and you're good. Just try it tomorrow, okay?”

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