Irish Eyes

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main character: Dean Thomas
ship: deamus
summary: Dean Thomas goes through his old sketchbooks and realises there is one common thread through all of them. A pair of eyes that just so happen to belong to his best mate.


Dean Thomas couldn't sleep. It was a common occurrence, for Dean to lie awake while his friends slept peacefully. Normally, he just lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, but he decided to be productive. Or about as productive as he could be.

"Muffliato," he whispered, careful not to wake anyone up.
Neville slept very lightly. If he heard even a small noise, he would jolt up and yell 'NOT AGAIN!'. Dean rarely knew what he was yelling about.

Dean reached under his bed, feeling around for his current sketchbook. There were six; one from each year at Hogwarts. The sixth was only partly finished and Dean really wanted to get it half done by Christmas. He pulled out a book, hoping it was the right one.

The book was brown, a regular sketchbook, with a piece of parchment stuck to the front. The inscription upon the parchment read:

Dean Thomas
Third Year

It was the wrong book. Dean sighed, but he couldn't be bothered to reach under his bed again. He would just look through his old sketchbook. Maybe then he'd fall asleep.

The pages crackled as he opened them. The first sketch was of a necklace with a great, dusky blue jewel on the end. It had a black dot in the middle of the stone, faint lines stretching across the surface of the jewel. Dean squinted. He turned his head to the side. To the other side.

That was when he realised, it wasn't a jewel, it was an eye!

Why had his thirteen year old self drawn an eye instead of a stone or a pendant or something like that? And why did that eye seem so familiar?

He turned the page again to see a drawing of a vinyl record. It must have been based off of the one in professor Lupin's classroom, but Dean didn't recall that record being dusky blue with a black center. He couldn't remember ever seeing a record like that. But it wasn't a record. It was the eye... again!

Dean flicked through the other pages, seeing the same eye on each one. Whose eye was it?

"Think, Dean, think!" he muttered.

Who had he had a crush on in third year? A lot of people. But who had blue eyes? That was it! Veronica Flanders!

She was two years older than Dean and had left Hogwarts already. Dean was definitely in love with her and her eyes were blue. They were a bit more green than the colour he had used but he was only thirteen. Kids make mistakes.

Dean lay back on his pillow. He was content that the eyes belonged to Veronica Flanders, so he didn't have to worry about that anymore. The dark-haired boy didn't fall asleep, but he did lie down for a few hours.

When morning came, the boys left the dorm one by one, in the same order they always did. Harry first, racing to get to the quidditch pitch before Malfoy, or perhaps at the same time as Malfoy. They definitely had something going on.

Neville was next, heading to the greenhouse. There was then a lull in wakers, for a half hour or two until Dean finally pulled himself out of bed and get into the shower. Ron got up next, going straight to breakfast as of his life depended on it.

Now, Dean was left to shower by himself. He showered for a few minutes, got out and immediately became aware that when he picked up his clothes. He hadn't brought a shirt.

He had however brought his trousers and a tie but he had forgotten a shirt. Dean got dressed (minus a shirt). He hesitated at the door. Seamus never came back to the dorm so there was no one in there. The Gryffindor looped his tie around his neck and left the bathroom. He had to hurry up; he couldn't miss breakfast.

Breakfast was, however, the least of his problems. The main problem was that he was shirtless and his best friend Seamus was sat in the dorm, looking vaguely horrified.

"AAGH!" said Dean.

"AAGH!" said Seamus.

"Where did you come from?"

"Can you put a shirt on first?"

"Why? Getting distracted?"

"What? No! Piss off Dean!"

Dean laughed at Seamus, who's cheeks were turning a rather adorable shade of red. After he put his shirt on, Dean turned back to his friend and was met with a duo of horrifying surprises.

Horrifying Surprise One:
Seamus was looking through his sketchbook.

Horrifying Surprise Two:
It was open on the page of the weird eye necklace

I really should of added a horrifying surprise number three but the third became apparent after the others.

The third surprise was this: Seamus had the same eye as the one on the page. Dean had drawn Seamus' eye.

"That's mine," said Dean.
"It's really good," replied Seamus.
"I don't care if you think it's good."

A fourth surprise came after that. Dean realised that he did care what Seamus thought. He cared deeply. Just like how he cared what Seamus thought of him every minute of every day. Just like how he found himself thinking about what it would be like to go out with Seamus and kiss his rosebud lips.

"Holy shit!"

"What's wrong Dean?"

"I'm in love!"

Seamus furrowed his brow.

"I though Veronica Flanders graduated?"

"Not with her! With you!"

"Ming Yu?"

"No you! You, Seamus Finnegan!"

Seamus stood up, walked over to Deans bed and sat next to him. The Irish boy looked at his best friend with an expression that Dean couldn't quite figure out.

"Are you lying to me Dean?" he asked.


"If you are, lying that is, I'll hate you."

"I'm not!"



Dean looked at his best friend, the boy he loved. Did Seamus love him? Yes, but not the way Dean loved him.

"Can I kiss you, Dean?" asked Seamus.

"I'd be thorougly pissed if you didn't."

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