~Cheat Sheet~

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This is basically a cheat sheet that includes key info for those of you who haven't seen The Flash but still want to read. However, before you proceed I have a few disclaimers.

First and foremost this chapter along with my fanfic contains spoilers!!!

Secondly I'm really not the best at summarizing so please forgive me.

And lastly I got some of this info from https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Arrowverse_Wiki and the rest from just watching the show of course.

Okay so basically this Particle Accelerator is this big revolutionary machine invented by a man named Harrison Wells. It's purpose was to power all of Central City with clean energy, and to further the advancement of science and medicine. However, when they turned it on something went horribly wrong, and the Particle Accelerator exploded. This sent a huge wave of dark matter, antimatter, x-elements into the clouds and throughout the entire city. This caused a lot of damage and turned a whole bunch of people into Meta humans. (Peeps who have powers, including Barry Allen (Aka The Flash.) 

Who becomes a speedster (A person with superspeed

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Who becomes a speedster (A person with superspeed.) 

Meta dampening devices such as meta dampening cuffs completely stop the use of powers for the time being.

So the man Harrison Wells that I mentioned before actually made the thing explode on purpose so that Barry Allen would become the Flash. Harrison Wells is really Reverse Flash (The Flash's biggest enemy because he murdered Barry's mom when he was young) And so Harrison pretends to be his mentor and trains him so that he can create the Flash and defeat him. And another thing is he's not even really Harrison Wells he actually took over another mans body and his real name is Eobard Thawne.

 And another thing is he's not even really Harrison Wells he actually took over another mans body and his real name is Eobard Thawne

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Ima tell you about Flashpoint since it's mentioned. So basically one night Barry decided to go back in time on impulse (He can travel back in time with his superspeed) and save his mom from being killed, this high key screwed up the timeline and a lot of things started going really wrong so he eventually ended up having to unfortunately let his mom be killed again by Reverse Flash. By making Flashpoint this affected more people than just Barry, Cisco Ramon's brother ended up DYING because of this along with Hartley Rathaway's boyfriend Roderick Smith.

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