🌸 Sai ☆ Deck the Halls 🌸

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~Inspired by this tumblr post from years ago. Happy Holidays, no matter what you do or do not celebrate~

 Happy Holidays, no matter what you do or do not celebrate~

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"Hmm. It's the holidays, but the village is so quiet. We should change that," Tsunade mused, not even pretending to be interested in the papers on her desk anymore.

"Lady Tsunade, whatever it is you're thinking of, just don't. Please. You should be enjoying the peace, not trying to disturb it," Shizune begged, but it was already too late. Her pleas were falling on deaf ears as a devious smile crossed the Hokage's face.

Sai and Naruto were walking home together after training with the rest of their teammates. Kakashi and Sakura had already departed, leaving the boys to their own devices.

Naruto was so consumed by his own thoughts that he almost missed Sai abruptly stopping to stare at something in the distance.

He backtracked and tried figure out what he was so fascinated with.

"What is it?"

"Those leaves. Why are they hanging in that shop?"

Naruto grinned. Most people would have been able to see the mischief is his eyes, but poor Sai was still clueless.

"That's mistlefoe. You have to fight whoever walks under it before or after you do."

Sai's puzzled expression didn't change, but he simply filed the information away with all the other strange customs he hadn't been introduced to yet.

"So any time I walk under this mistlefoe thing, a fight will happen? That sounds rather wasteful."

"Think of it as extra training. You always have to be ready to fight, right?"

"I suppose. Thanks, Naruto."

"You got it!"

Sai thought nothing of the mistlefoe hanging from the doorway of the Hokage's office. She probably wanted to see how well her shinobi were doing. The way her eyes gleamed as he entered her office, and how they kept darting to the door behind him, could be attributed to that excitement.

Their discussion was nearly over when a knock was heard.

"Come in," Tsunade called gleefully.

The door opened, and y/n shuffled in carrying a scroll.

"Our mission report, my lady."

She nodded to Sai in greeting as she handed the scroll to Tsunade, and was about to walk out when the other woman cleared her throat.

"Yes, my lady?"

Tsunade snickered and pointed to the mistletoe she'd been too tired to notice upon entering.

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