The Quest

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The next morning, Zia woke early with the rest of her traveling companions. It was still dark, but a rosy light started to peak over the horizon. The rest of the camp seemed to wake also; everyone was dressed and eating when Zia helped saddle twelve of the twenty horses that the Thieves had at the camp. Some of these horses had been stolen, others rescued from fires. Some had been donated by a very generous widow whose husband had been in their ranks. Ten of the horses would be the means of transportation for the Thieves; the other two would be pack horses.

Ryker was boasting loudly to anyone who would listen how he had only been in the camp for a few days and he was already selected for the expedition. His brother Hamish was standing off to the side, packing their few belongings. As near as Zia could figure, Hamish was the younger of the two. That explained why his voice wasn't as gruff. Hamish was also the kinder and gentler of them.

Those going on the King's quest still did not know the details of the mission. King Donathan and Arch had agreed that it would be best to inform the party of the details just before they left, and Zia was sure it had something to do with the King's mistrust of the Thieves.

Zia connected the last of the food and supplies to the horse's saddle when Arch appeared out of his tent with the King and called for those going on the quest to gather 'round. "Listen here!" he said when the entire group had gathered. "As you all know, the Westfell Mountains go into the Skilae's territory, as well as the edge of Otar's northwestern borders. There is a large force of Skilae troops invading from the southwest. Your mission is to stop this force before they ever get out of the Pass. Any questions?"

"Exactly how big is this 'force'?" one man asked.

It was the King that answered. "About three hundred, maybe more."

"A how are only a dozen people supposed to wipe out three hundred trained soldiers?" Ryker demanded.

"We have a plan," the King said coldly, staring Ryker down.

"Oh, and would you like to share it with the people who will be going out there and risking their necks for this so-called plan?"


"The King's Captain and I have mapped out a route for you to take to intercept them before they can cross into the Otarian borders," Arch said before Ryker could make a comeback. "They have taken a hidden pass through the mountains that will protect them from the eyes of our armies until it is too late. The Pass ends a few miles inside the borders, which is behind the lines of where His Majesty has his troops. They plan to surround the army and block any retreat. If this happens, there will not be one Otarian spared; we will all be slaughtered and hunted down."

All was quiet until Jay strode out of Arch's tent and joined them. He didn't speak, but he sent a polite nod in Zia's direction.

Arch reached a hand towards the King, and His Majesty held out a rolled up piece of parchment. Arch took it from him and unrolled it, holding it out for all to see. It was a map. It had lines that showed the Otar and Skilae borders, but also the borders of the countries surrounding them. Zia noticed Archibald's home country, Scullin, and a few others: the islands of Nordia in the far north; Mithia to the high northwest; the island of Astril to the southeast; Draeloch to the east across the ocean.

Arch pointed out the sharp, pointed tips of the Westfell Mountains that started a few inches from the Skilae border in Otar and then continued south into Skilae itself until it reached the bottom of the page.

"The Pass is hidden and only known to a few, but the Skilae scouts have found it and their General has sent a large party through there," Arch continued. "Your job is to stop them before they cross through the borders."

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