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[Hey! I tried to write a longer chapter this time. I know you guys don't like short chapters.💕]

"I think he likes me."

Jersey looked up and took in the scene before her. Moonie held Harlem in her arms. He seemed to be comfortable there. He blinked a few times as he leaned over and tried thrusting at her breasts. Moonie realized what he was doing and started to laugh.

"I think he's hungry."

Jersey shook her head and said, "He can't be. I just fed him." She narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you breastfeeding?"

Moonie nodded her head and pushed out, "Unfortunately...I still am. He can smell my breastmilk."

"Oh. That explains why he's doing that. I just fed him. He shouldn't be hungry." Jersey couldn't help but smile. She assumed the woman had no children. It was good to know that Moonie was a mom, just like her. "You have a baby too?"

"I have two children. My daughter is three, and my son just turned one."

Now Jersey was starting to understand. It was a huge possibility that Moonie was older than her. She seemed mature. Her opinion.

"See...my babies." Moonie held her iPhone out and showed Jersey the picture. The young woman was able to view the children. They were seated on an outdoor chair, and the young girl was holding her brother. She wore a beautiful smile on her face. Her hair was in two curly plaits, and she wore a floral shirt with matching shorts. The baby seemed chill as he wore no shirt and sucked on a pacifier. The little boy had a headful of curls.

"Your kids are beautiful," Jersey spoke honestly as she pulled back from the iPhone.

Moonie cheesed and said, "Thank you. I love them so much...my babies."

Jersey could tell she loved her children a lot. The facial expression she held told her so.

"How do you handle two kids?" She questioned her. "I can barely...handle one," Jersey added, pointing at Harlem. He wasn't too much of a hassle. However, he could be demanding.

Moonie brought her eyes up to the ceiling to think. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "It just comes natural...you know. I didn't know what to do when I had my daughter, Kirsten, in the beginning. I somehow caught on and...I just know how to handle them."

Jersey nodded her head and said, "That's good to hear."

"This is your first child?" Moonie questioned her.

"Yes." Jersey pushed out. She didn't want to mention the babies she lost in the past.

"You're a first-time mommy." Moonie wowed while looking down at Harlem. She cradled the infant carefully and said, "This must be exciting for you."

"It is."

"Do you need any baby tips? I mean. You can ask me anything. I'm like a baby expert now."

The girls shared a laugh, and it eventually seized.

"I could use a few tips."

"All right. I have tons of tips and life hacks, girl." Moonie informed her. "I have a Pinterest account that has a lot of information for first-time moms."

"Oh." Jersey's mouth gaped. "I don't have a Pinterest account." She looked off because she didn't know what Pinterest was. However, she wasn't going to tell Moonie that.

"Make you an account so you can follow me. I have a lot of life hacks on there."

The women continued their conversation, and Moonie helped Jersey set up her Pinterest account. It didn't take her long to find Moonie's page.

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