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A/N: that's Michael's and Ashton's kitchen. Also that's the song later in the chapter

(Same day as last chapter)

**Michaels P.O.V**


I look down at the bottom bunk to see my roommate Ashton rubbing his head. I guess he hasn't got used to being a bottom yet.

I shuffle through my sheets and find my phone then check the time. It's 7:14 am and I'm not happy about it.

"Why can't I sleep on the pull out couch?" Ashton whined

"Because you said it was uncomfortable!" I yelled back. Super annoyed.

"Well damn you didn't have to say it like that!"

"What ever" I mumbled so Ashton could barely hear me.

I sigh and get up from my bed knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. I step down the latter and reach the floor that sends shivers up my spine from it being so cold.

I go to the kitchen and pull out some cereal and a bowl from the cabinet. I pour the cereal in the bowl trying not to spill any of it like I always do. I didn't tho so that was cool. I opened the fridge to look for milk but it wasn't there.

"ASHTON!" I scream

He walks out of the bathroom holding the carton of milk. Of course.

"Whaaaaat!" He screams back at me

"Can I have the milk?"

"I don't think you want the milk..." He says as he walks back into the bathroom.

I sigh not wanting to know what he did to the milk. He probably stuck his junk all up in it. But knowing him he probably didn't. He probably but vegetables in it.

I try to pour the cereal back in the bag because I do not like how dry cereal scratches my throat. I miss a couple pieces so I throw them into the sink and make all of them like a true baller.

"I'm going to go meet the neighbors!" Ashton told me as he walked towards the door.


"Because it's a nice thing to do. Bye."

He opens the door grabbing his keys and waves at me while he exits our apartment shutting the door behind him.

I'm not in the mood for breakfast food anymore so I just eat a slice of the pizza that was laying on the counter from last night. Cold pizza is just as good as it is warm. Maybe even better in my opinion.

Up Up Up by Rose Falcon started playing. I must have forgotten to turn off my alarm for work. I keep on forgetting to change that cringe worthy song.

I head towards the wall of unpacked boxes that basically hold our clothes. I grab a pair of Khakis and stuff them on my legs. Not liking how they aren't long, skinny, and black.

I look around the floor for my target shirt. I found it and stuff it on my torso.

I head towards the bathroom doing all the daily necessities. Especially trying to adjust my hair so it's perfect but my ears always twitch and mess it up so I give up and leave it a mess.

I pull on a pair of socks and shove my black Converse onto feet and some wrist bands onto my wrist. I head towards the door and grab my jacket, my car keys, and my wallet that's on the small table next to the door. I write a note to Ash saying I'm off to work and head out.

After closing the door and locking it behind me I put my keys in my pocket and before I put my phone in my pocket as well I check what time it is. 8:14

I have about 15 minutes till I have to be at work.

I have to walk so that takes away my extra time I would've had if I owned a car which kinda sucks.


Here I am waiting at a cash register for people to come pay for there shit. No one seems to like me tho. Maybe it's the hair, tattoos, and piercings. I see why if I scare them but cmon then you look at my ears I'm a cat for fūcks sake.

Target isn't that busy today. The only people here are middle aged woman trying to control there children, College kids buying kids toys and beer, and teenage girls lining up at the Starbucks that's at the front of the store not wanting to shop with their parents.

As I people watch I notice a tall and hot guy roaming around the cd section. I'm trying to figure out what hybrid he is. I think he is a rabbit hybrid since I can't see his tail and those seem to be most common around these parts.

He starts walking towards my lane and starts putting his stuff down on the conveyor belt.

When he finished he started walking to pay and then just fell.

I ran to help him trying not to laugh.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Without showing I'm actually laughing on the inside.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks tho." He has a deep voice.

"Dude your nose is bleeding!" I say a bit loudly startling all the other customers.

I grab his arm and I turn off my cashier sign. As we walk I see Alec and told him to watch the guys stuff because it would suck if he had to buy all those stuff again.

We go into the employee lounge and I shut the door. I rummaged through a few shelves looking for a first aid kit. After what seemed like forever I actually found one.

I sit down in front of him and examine to hurt area not knowing what to actually do. But soon I just start to examine his looks.

"Let's get you fixed up!" I say with a fake smile trying to be nice and trying to cover up I was just checking him out.

I stuffed a tissue up his nose and handed him a lollipop. I didn't know what else to do Im not a doctor. I kinda feel bad I waisted his time.

"So what's your name?" I ask trying to strike up some conversation.


"What kind of Hybrid are you?"

"Ummm.... I'm... A... Cat! A uh cat hybrid. yeah." He said with a lot of hesitation making me sort of suspicious since his beanie is just sitting on his he'd with no bumps but I shrug it off.

"What happened to your tail?"

"Worry about your own tail dude"

I turn and saw that it tipped over a glass of water. I hate my tail sooo much because when I'm curious about anything it has a mind of its own. I grab a tissue out of the first aid kit and clean it up like how I cleaned Luke's nose.

"Can I go now?"

"Oh yeah you can. Let us go back to the cash register then."

We go back to the register and he pays. He looks really funny leaving with a pink tissue sticking out his nose.

I spend the rest of my shift thinking about that Luke guy and wondering what his deal was.


How is it so far? It's fun to write that's for sure.

Love you my children hope you had a good Easter!

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