4: Cheating

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It had been a few days since I hooked up with Mickey and now I was at the Gallaghers eating breakfast. No one knew about me and Mickey like how no one knew about me and Ian, god I feel like such a whore.

Ian and Lip were checking out the water heater "The elements rusted out" I looked over to see Lip telling Fiona the bad news.

"Anyone want to make some toll house cookies with me?" Debbie asked but she was just ignored while Fiona told her to go take a shower. I don't know what's going on with Debbie. Lip, Ian and I were about to leave to look for a new water heater.

"Can I come?" I was about to say sure but Lip answered first and told her no.

"Dude, why did you tell Debbie no? There is obviously something wrong with her" I stated as we all walked down the road.

"What? No she's fine, that's just Debbie being Debbie" Does he seriously not see something wrong with his little sister?

"She's fine Bella, probably just bored" Ian told me gripping my shoulder.

"Okay, if you say so" He sighed knowing I still think I'm right.

"Look, we will do something with her later right Ian?"

"Yeah, of course" They tried to reassure me.

"Alright, you better because there is definitely something wrong with her" I told them while purposely bumping into Lip.

Then we arrived at the dead guys house, hoping to snatch his water heater.

"So we're just going to wait out here?" Ian questioned.

"He's a chain smoking pothead in a stress inducing situation, he'll be out soon" Lip told us both.

"Well what are we suppose to say?"

"I don't know just play it cool"

"Play what cool?"

"Things people play cool jesus Ian" Well that was a weird conversation I just listened to.

"Got your own cell?" Ian asked as we heard a phone ring from Lips pocket.

"Some kid left it in the cafeteria, Hey Karen" Lip said walking away to privately speak to Karen.

"Ugh god, he is wasting his time with Karen. That Skank bitch is only going to break his heart" Ian raised his eyebrows at me probably wondering why I hate Karen so much, I guess it's only obvious to a girls eye.


After we stole the water heater I decided to split and go to the Milkovich house to see Mickey, unless Mandy is there then I uh went to see her. I walked through the front door without knocking, I mean it's the Milkovichs don't expect anyone to come answer the door anyway. No one was in the living room so I headed straight to Mickeys room. I don't know what the fuck he was doing, when I came in I saw him standing at his draws and fidgeting with something.

"Mandy get the fuck out" He didn't look up, so he assumed I was just Mandy coming in to be annoying.

"Jesus, fine I'll leave" I said which made his head snap towards me. I turned around to make him think I was leaving. Thank god he grabbed my arm, otherwise I would of be really embarrassed.

"Bella, jesus fucking Christ I thought you were Mandy" He told me as I turned back to look at him.

"I mean I'll take it as a compliment, your sisters pretty hot" I said to piss him off, even though it was true Mandy is really hot.

"What you going turn lesbian on me, go fuck my sister" Mickey asked coming closer to me and putting his hands on my hip, I love when he does that.

"Maybe" I whispered in his ear. That's when starting sucking on my neck.

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