Chapter 2: Escape Route

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The moon is shining bright, the stars are twinkling and the wind is silent and calm. Tonight is a beautiful night.

It will be a beautiful night.

So I watch each second of the tick-tock on the clock and waited for everyone in the palace to sleep. Bed time is early in the palace.

It wasn't long when one of my guards, Sam, knocked on my door.
"Bed time is approaching, my lady, you haven't ate your dinner yet. Queen Lynette is worried." His voice was tired, almost sleepy.
"It's fine; tell the queen I'm not hungry." I smiled sweetly. Sam disappeared into the hallway and door shut behind me...
and I know it was about time.

I stripped down my maroon day dress and exchanged it for a black long gown that has sleeves and a hood. I washed my face and brushed out my long red hair, removing the princess-stained look. I look so different without the layers of makeup that my mom, the queen, insisted me to wear almost every single day.
I almost look like who I really am. Almost.

Tonight I'm going somewhere, somewhere where I'm not afraid to be me.

Tonight I am not a princess. Tonight I'm free.

I hastily took everything I need in a small pouch before opening the door and poking my head forward to see if no one was there. The only way out of my room is the door since the windows are so small and the balcony is locked probably because of my last escape.
I stepped outside and shut my bedroom door very slowly so that it won't make a noise. I tiptoed about three steps when someone clears its throat. I almost jumped and lost my chill when Sam stood in front of me.

"I suppose I'm not letting you out until tomorrow night, my lady." Sam says, blocking my way.

"But Sam, I'm really hungry." I said, trying my best to persuade him with my eyes. "I really want to go to the kitchen and grab something to eat."

"Why are you dressed like that my lady? It's a very warm night." Sam says. He looked as old as the king, maybe older or maybe he just looked tired. Curiosity was in his eyes and I try my best to conceal what was real in mine. I didn't look away from him, "I feel oddly cold like I'm about to be sick." I fake a sad face but deep inside my whole body was pumping with excitement and adrenaline to get out of this place.

"That's why I need to go to the kitchen to get myself some soup."


"Please?" I cut him off, inching closer near him. I know I'm a charmer, I can feel him giving in to me.

"Okay, my lady, but do it quick." Sam says immediately like he was hypnotized by me. My charm works every time just to get me somewhere.
I silently walk in the hallways, shooting Sam a sweet smile as I walk in the most elegant and lady-like manner I was trained to but as soon as the hallway parted into two, I turned left and broke into a sprint.

No guards were here today and I breathed in relief. I ran towards a big painting of what looks like the Midst, our country in the middle of two greater islands and countries. That's where the name of our country came from. The painting was detailed and painted in colorful patterns; the brush strokes were fine and precise.

I halt next to a human sized figurine of someone named 'Athena', to catch my breath. The painting was huge, almost three meters wide and maybe two meters in height. I brought my hand to the back of the painting and feeling for a certain point and my hand found a bulging metal like a handle and I pull it down. A side of the painting rotated slightly like it was a door and I bought my slender body towards it before shutting it completely behind me.

I turned on the small flash light that I bought with me and walked my way out to the palace. This trail that I'm following now is what the guards use to access the dungeons and the black market but they rarely use it now. I discovered this exit when there was an invasion from the Cross Rebels when I was ten and one of my maids, Serah, took me here for safety and protection against the riot that made its way to the inside of the palace.

It wasn't long when my feet were already stepping green grass from the gardens that surrounds the back of a palace. I could see the lights from the glitterati's place from here. Glitterati people are rich, famous and attractive. They are mostly musicians, performers, and celebrities-nothing but pretty faces and manipulative minds to get in to the Praesidium.

I sprint my way down to the palace walls in the shadows of the trees and short cut my way to the outskirts of Praesidium.

Adrenaline and excitement flood in my veins as I stood in front of the giant wall that surround the palace and climbed a tree that was almost as tall as the walls. When I was high enough above ground, I mimicked the sound of a bird. It wasn't just any sound it was a call.

It wasn't long when my call was answered. A long rope latched itself from the palace walls and I know it was about time.

Home waits outside the palace walls.

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