Chapter 4: Starry Night

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In the morning, I lay on my bed, sleepless, tired but contented.

Last night's escape and adventure was filled with happiness that filled up the empty spaces in my heart. The thought of it brings a smile in my face.

The sunlight shone through the sheer laced curtains of my room and the clock ticked 8AM. I pulled myself out of my bed as my maids entered my room.

Serah, Lyn, Rosey and Martha were my maids since I was young. The queen has handpicked them to serve me as long as they can. Serah was my general maid, she does all around work for me and I treat her like a sister because she knows me better than anyone in this palace. Lyn and Rosey prepares my gowns, cosmetics and anything that has to do with grooming, fashion and beauty. Martha is my secretary that means she is assigned of all my paper works and schedules.

When the four of them entered the room, the space was buzzing with energy , pressure and a hint of excitement. They bowed down to a low curtsy and proceeded with their tasks.

"Princess Flare, you will meet your adviser at 10am after you had your breakfast for your educational and etiquette classes at the study hall. At 2:00pm after your lunch, you will have your diplomacy, history, philanthropy, and defense strategy classes with Mr. Campbell at the lecture room." She stops to wipe the sweat forming in her forehead, "and at 8:00pm the Queen and King will meet you at the dining hall."

My head aches at the mention of schedule for today. The pressure is slowly building up in my mind at the thought of having defense strategy classes with Mr. Campbell. Oh good God, help me through this day.

At around 9:00am, I was scrubbed clean and well groomed, dressed in a jade green day dress that matched the color of my eyes. My hair was styled in a bun and my makeup was light and nude just like the way I like it. I thanked my maids and dismissed them so I could have time for myself.

I walked my way out of my room and went out to the wide balcony near the grand staircase. From here, I could see the blooming flowers in the garden and the shade of greens on the trees that surround the palace. I could see the skies that were painted with blue and white. It was beautiful and serene.

I was on the verge of getting lost in my thoughts as familiar footsteps echoed in the hallway.

"My dear, come eat with us." Mother said, dressed her long royal blue gown, looking regal and queenly as she could be. I envy her sometimes because I know I will not look as regal and as elegant as her when dressed in royal clothing.

"Yes, you're Highness." I bowed down my head and curtsied.

"Come on, Flare, you could call me 'mom'." She sighed, "I do not want my child to see me more than a queen than a mother."

I smiled at her. Mother was such a loving mom. I missed her motherly side, where all my worries seems to fade when she is there like when I cried out loud when I was a child and I would instantly stop when she tucks me in her arms. I missed what she used to be.

Mom was never the same when my younger sister, Cassandra died when she was young. Cass was sickly and unhealthy when she was born and mom was fatal when she delivered her. Her life lasted for four years. That was the best and the worst four years of my life. Until then, mom was never the same. She locked herself in her room almost every single day; she had major mood swings and depression.

Pain could really change people in ways you can't imagine.

Mom, dad and I ate in silence. There were a million things to talk about but none of it seemed pleasant to talk about early in the morning and the meal was far too delicious to bother anything else rather than eat. At around nine thirty, I excused myself and proceeded to my etiquette and educational classes at the study hall.

When I arrived at the study hall, there were a few dozen other girls. They are not just any girls, they were daughters of tycoons and glitteratis and some were my far-far-away-degree-cousins in the royal family. As I walked in towards my seat, eyes were on me. I didn't mind them, because whatever they say I'm only here to learn and destine my way to be queen. I slump back in my chair and laid my things in my desk.

"Ooh, looks like the princess forgot her etiquette and proper posture." Silvia, my cousin from my Uncle Tyler screeched, enough for the other girls to hear. I hate her and her family. I stared at her and smiled sweetly, biting my tongue because I might end up saying something bitter and utterly annoying as what she said.

"Zip your mouth, Silvia. Have you no respect for the future queen?" Ashley chimed in as she just entered the room, her blonde locks of hair falling to her shoulders as she bowed in front of me in a low curtsy. I smiled at her in reply. For a glitterati, Ashley was rather simple and elegant looking and she was well-behaved and lady-like.

A little later, a petite brunette woman carrying books and other stuff came in the study hall and introduced herself as our new adviser. "I am Mrs. Benson by the way. Good morning girls and happy reading." She handed us books about literature. She took no time in lecturing and told us to read the first five chapters silently before she could discuss the story to us.

As I opened the first page of the book, I felt a tremor shaking the ground like a giant just jumped on the earth, the other girls gasp in shock. Then there was silence as the tremor abruptly stopped.

"Don't worry, girls. It's just an earthquake. Just keep ca--"

In a split second the wall to our right was blown into bits and I saw Mrs. Benson thrown to the other side of the room like a funny rag doll. Without knowing it, I was on the ground too. A few shrapnel made a cut on the top of my eyebrows, luckily missing me in the eye. My head was pounding and all I could hear is ringing. The other girls were crouching low under their desk, screaming and some were crying and panicking.

"Everyone get out of the room now!" I shouted as loud as I can as the girls get up their feet and scrambled towards the exit. In no time, the guards were rushing in to help us get to a safe room.

"Secure the princess!" I heard one of them say. As we were escorted out of the study hall, chaos and riot was all I could see. Maids and other palace staff were running out of rooms, a handful of rebels had their tattered clothing smeared with blood; guards were in action, screams filled the air together with the ringing in my ears.

A guard pushed one side of a statue as the wall slowly turned into a door and we were lead in a small, dark room. Before the guard who escorted us could go, I grab his arm.

"Are the other members of the royal family safe?" I asked him, worry is obviously present in my voice.

"The Queen is safe, my lady, I could assure you that but the King was badly shot on the crossfire. The medical team is working on him right now."

I gasp. "W-what rebellion attacked us now? W-who are these people?"

"As far as I'm concerned, they are the Southern Cross rebels from across the sea. Excuse me, my lady. "

With that the guard left us there alone in the dark. I think about my dad, the King, and how he is right now. I think about Mrs. Benson. I think about all the life that this attack had caused. I sighed, pushing back my hair before I noticed the other girls.

"Where is Silvia?" I asked to no one in particular, their heads shoot up at the mention of the name.

"She's probably on another safe room, I guess we lost track of her when she exited the Study Hall." A girl named Laura said. Laura and I were the only one not crying or staring at empty walls.

She was brave and so am I.

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