Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:
A/N: The picture is Daniel.

I sat in the S.H.I.E.L.D jet as we made our way toward our mission, "Here, just push the red little button and stick it to the wall, I'll do the rest," Crys said, handing me some small portable cameras, I grabbed them and made a web bag, I gently placed them in there and placed the bag over my shoulders.

"Open the hatch, I can swing from here," I told the pilot, he nodded and pushed a button, the door slowly opened, pushing the wind inside, I slowly walked toward the hatch but stopped when I felt a hand gripping my wrist, I turned my head and Crys was standing there, trying to hide the concern on her face with a blank expression she always used on missions.
"Please be careful, if anything goes wrong you get out of there ASAP," She said, I nodded, "Same goes to you," I said, pulling out of her grasp then I ran and jumped out of the jet.

I dived down, feeling the harse summer wind through the fabric of my suit, I waited for the right moment and I reached out and shot my web, it stuck to the side of a building and slung me through the streets, my feet barely missing the road, I pulled up on my web to miss a semi, I landed on it and ran then I jumped off of it and shot my web again. I could hear the faint cheering, "I love you Spider-Man!" A woman cried happily, I flipped in the air and shot another web, "And I love you random citizen," I called, running across the side of the building before flipping off of it and shooting another web.

After a few minutes I finally made it to Fisk Tower, "This is ea-" My words was cut off when Fisk bots came up from the roof, "I spoke too soon," I muttered as I dodged one, "Maybe we can talk about this!" I called as I grabbed one and used it as a shield, 'I think we should end this relationship, it's not me its you." I told the robot I was holding, I webbed its back and spun it around, destroying the other robots, "Call me," I said as I pushed the robot off the side then headed inside.

I slowly crept down the halls, reaching in my web bag and grabbing a small camera and placing in the corners out of the reach, I pushed the small button on the side, "Can you see me?" I asked in my earpiece, "As clear as HD," Crys voice echoed in my ear, "Make sure you get my good side." I said as I turned my head to the left, "No wait, this is my good side," I said, turning my head to the right, "You are such a weirdo," Crys laughed through my earpiece, "Just set the rest of the cameras." Crys ordered, still chuckling, "Aye, aye Captain," I said then headed off.

After placing every camera in every corner on every floor, I finally made it to Kingpin's office, I slowly walked and looked around the big spacious office, "I wouldn't doubt him having a big office, he is a big man," I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the sleek wooden desk.
I sat in the large comfortable computer chair, "Make sure you put a mic under his desk," Cryx instructions echoed through my ear from the earpiece, "On it," I said as I leaned down and placed the mic in the far corner under the desk, "What's ne-" My words was cut short when I heard the door knob turning, I cursed softly under my breath and webbed the ceiling and pulled myself up just as the door opened.

I stuck to the ceiling as the very big and wide Kingpin strolled in, "If everything goes according to plan then we will have your device," He said to the person on the phone, "The question I require is what can you do for me?" He asked, sitting down on his chair, I could hear the chair crying for help, he was silent for a moment before his lips formed a big grin, "Very well, talk to you soon, Mr. Osborn." He hung up and my heart dropped when he looked up at me.

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