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Y/N is happily eating her breakfast with her father who is just watching her fondly because of how cute she is while eating.

'Her chubby cheeks, I wonder where she got that' Kokonoi thought with a smile as he watch his daughter munch the food in her chubby cheeks.

"Munch your food slowly Princess, there is no one who will steal your food" Kokonoi said to her as he handed her a glass of water.

The girl gladly accepted it and drink as she put it down on the table and giggle. "Thank you papa!"

"You're welcome princess" he said with a smile. "Go on and continue eating"

Y/N look at him curiously. "Eh? How about papa?"

"I'm already full just by watching you" he answered as Y/N puffed her cheeks.

"Papa will not be full just by watching me eat, go and eat with me papa" she said to him as she grab a chicken on the plate full of chicken that Kokonoi fried before putting it on his plate making him shock by his daughter's actions even though her two small hands are using her utensils to grab it and put it on his plate.

"Papa should eat with me" she added and pout at him. "Let's eat together papa"

Kokonoi ruffle her hair as Y/N giggle and fix her sitting as he smile at her.

"Alright princess, let's eat together" He said to her as he put some food in his plate together with the chicken Y/N put earlier and they eat breakfast together.

Kokonoi glance at his daughter who is now happily eating and talking to him about a bunch of stories like about her dream, that her uncles turned into different persons like how Ran turned into Wednesday Adams (though she didn't know who it is but she mentioned that Ran introduced himself as Ran Adams) blah blah more stories.

Meanwhile Kokonoi just nod and listen to her stories with a smile as he thought back to his memories on how much his one and only precious princess have grown throughout the years.

Remembering the time he heard his daughter spoke her first word that made him chuckle because it is one of the memorable days in his life.


It was a sunny day in the Kokonoi mansion and the Bonten executives are there again and of course the noisiest trio of Bonten who keeps on looking at their cute niece who is laughing at them, they don't know if it is because they are funny or because they look like idiots.

"Come on say uncle" Ran said as baby Y/N keeps on babbling random words while she's laying on her crib.


"It's un-cle, not ablublu" the eldest Haitani said as Y/N just laugh at him.

Kakucho frown hearing Ran's words as he walk towards the three. "How can you ask her to say uncle when she's still just ten months?"

"Why not? Maybe she's a genius" Ran answered as he faces Y/N again who is laughing because Sanzu and Rindou are playing with her as Ran joined. "Come on sweetie say un-cle"

Kakucho sigh feeling so done with them, he just walk towards Kokonoi and ask what to order for lunch since it's nearing lunch time and they don't have time to cook.

𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 . 𝐊𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now