Chapter 22

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I held the cold ice pack against the side of my face and winced. Why did I have to tell her that I liked her? I'm such an idiot.

Just then someone came into the kitchen. I jumped thinking It was Danny but it was only Mark.

"Hey," he said sitting opposite me.

"Hi," I replied bluntly, staring out the window next to me.

"How's the face?" He asked pointing at the ice pack.

"Still hurts like hell. I deserve it I guess," I shrugged. In the end, Danny had given me a black eye and a cut lip. He would have done a lot worse but then Faye passed out and Danny turned his attention to her making sure she was ok, giving me the chance to slip into the kitchen un-noticed.

"Is Faye ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's awake now. She's upstairs in bed."

"Where's Danny?"

"He's upstairs with her," Mark replied, getting out his phone. "What actually happened between you and Faye?"

I sighed, putting my head into my free hand, staring at the table. "I told her that I liked her then tried to kiss her." I shut my eyes, trying to block out the memory. "That's when you and Danny walked in."

"Yikes," Mark said, looking up from his phone. "What did she say when you told her."

I shook my head and looked back out the window. "What am I going to do?" I asked. "What about the band? Danny's not going to be interested if it means being in the same room as me, let alone writing songs together."

"I'm sure if you give it some time," Mark said, getting up.

"But he hates me and I'm pretty sure Faye does too-"

"They don't hate you," Mark reassured. "You can't hide in the kitchen forever you know," he said before walking out.


"You sure you're ok now?" Danny asked, still concerned.

I nodded. "I think so," I mumbled, rubbing my head. I tried to sit up but Danny carefully pushed me back down, pulling the covers back over me.

"You need to stay lying down, baby," he said, fixing the pillows behind me.

"Doctor Danny," I quietly giggled, remembering the first day I was here and he helped with my shoulder and stomach. Danny smirked obviously remembering the same memory.

I stopped giggling and frowned. "I feel really guilty."

"Why?" Danny asked, lying on his stomach next to me.

"About you and Glen," I replied.

"But it's not your fault."

"It kinda is," I said looking down and plying with the hem of my shirt. "Nothing happened you know...we didn't kiss or anything." I looked up at him but he didn't say anything. I shrugged. "You two are like best friends..and now you're fighting because of me. I don't want to come in between you and Glen and the band and mess everything up so," I looked back down, shaking my head, my eyes filling. "Maybe I should just go-"

"No," Danny argued, grabbing my hand. "You can't. I love you so much, you can't leave."


"No buts," he said, interrupting me again.

"All three of you have all been so nice to me, welcoming me into your home and looking after me and all I've done is just ruin everything."

"No you haven't," Danny said, pressing his forehead against mine. He gently wiped away a few tears from my face."You should get some more sleep," he whispered, pulling away and moving the covers around me.

I just nodded and closed my eyes, feeling more worse than I did before.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now