Chapter 27

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After getting ready, we took the train into the centre of the city. We walked down the place where the gig was. It was only a small hall, standing room only. There was only room for about 100 people. Me and Alex were one of first people there, so we stood at the front of the small stage.

"I heard some people talking earlier, apparently the lead singer is really hot," Alex whispered to me, giggling. I rolled my eyes at her and watched the room fill with more people.

At around 7pm, the lights dimmed and a group of people walked onto the stage, setting up the instruments.

I looked to the side and froze as I thought I recognised the guys who was fiddling with a guitar. But I shook my head, convincing myself that it was just the low lighting making it hard to see. But I looked again and realised I did know him.

It was Mark.

I looked to the other side and recognised Glen sat behind the drums. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach as I knew what was coming. A few seconds later, Danny walked up to the microphone at the front of the stage. "Hello, we are The Script," he said, smiling.

Alex elbowed me in the ribs, but I ignored her, thankful that none of them had seen me yet. But I spoke to soon.

Danny pulled out his guitar and started strumming out a soft tune, singing the lyrics to a song I was very familiar with.

"You touch these tired eyes of mine

And map my face outline by line

And somehow growing old feels fine."

His eyes locked with mine and he almost stopped singing completely. But he carried on, keeping his focus on me.

"Ohmygod, he is totally checking you out," Alex whispered in my ear, but I continued to stare at the floor until the song was over. There was a round of applause before Danny spoke again.

"This next song is a song I wrote for a girl I used to love...and still do."

I lifted my head to see Danny still looking at me. I froze, my eyes focused on his. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't.

"But I haven't seen her in a while," Danny continued, dropping my gaze to his guitar.

By this time, both Glen and Mark had caught on to what was happening and was staring at me wide-eyed.

"It's called If You See Kay," he finished.

I realised how much Kay sounded a lot like Faye, and I knew that he wrote the song about me.

"Why are they all staring at you?" Alex asked, giving me a confused look.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I need some fresh air," I said before squeezing myself through the crowd and out the nearest door. I found my way outside into an alleyway and sunk down the wall, leaning against it. Out of all the things that was going through my mind, the thought that kept coming back was 'they finally found a name for the band.'

A/N: Sorry about the last two chapters, they weren't the best :/ But the next chapter is the the very last chapter so prepare yourselves ;)

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now