Chapter 15

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I sat in Starbucks waiting for Alex to arrive. I was dreading seeing Alex again, the last time I spoke to her was about 3 weeks ago. Finally she turned up, her face looking flushed from the cold air outside. She sat opposite me and stared at me. I knew what was coming as soon as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Faye, what the hell have you been doing, I've been worried sick these last few weeks, you haven't been returning any of my calls, I saw the police at your house, and." She paused to take a breath before speaking again. "So, are you going to explain yourself?"

I sat staring at the table for a few moments, before looking up again. "Well, okay, um...I'll start from the beginning. Remember that sleepover we were going to have? Well, I was walking to your house and I took a shortcut through an ally way and-"

"Faye! Why would you walk through an alleyway at night? You could have been mugged or something!"

"Well um, I was. This person attacked me and took my wallet. I couldn't move. But then this guy, Danny-"

"Who is Danny? Is he the person who attacked you? Is he friends with the attacker, like part of his gang or something?" she panicked

"No, Alex, hold on," I interrupted. "He and his friends, Mark and Glen, took me to the hospital. But then I had to tell them that my Dad was really abusive towards me because the doctor saw the bruises on my shoulder so-"

Once again, Alex cut me off. "What? Your Dad was abusive to you?" She asked, her voice more softer. "Did he like hit you and stuff?" I sadly nodded. "Oh Faye, I did'nt know, I'm sorry."

I shrugged. "So anyway, that was why the police was at my house. To arrest my dad."

"So, your Dad's in prison? Where are you living?"

"I was just coming to that. The police told me that because I was under 17 not 18, I have to live with someone who is over 18. And um, Danny is 20 so, um...I moved in with him, Mark and Glen." Alex's eyes widened, her mouth hung open.

"What?!" She said, almost yelling. "You moved in with 3 strangers?!"

"They're not strangers...they're um, friends," I shrugged.

"That you've known for 3 weeks?" Faye, that's ridiculous, you're coming to live with me, ok?"



"This is my life Alex, not yours."

"I know, but I am not letting you live with them. You know nothing about them, they could be-"

"I'm 18 next month anyway so-"

"I don't care! Listen-"

"No you listen," I almost shout. I rose from my seat so that I was standing over her, feeling a sudden burst of confidence. "All you've done my entire life is tell me what to do and how to live my life, and I'm sick of it. Why can't you just leave me alone and let me do what I want!" Before she could speak, I grabbed my bag and ran out.


(A/N) Sorry it's a short chapter. Soooo like what do you think of the story so far? Would love to hear your thoughts on it-whether they're good thoughts or bad aha.

Oh and thankyouuu for the 1.4K reads! Can't believe that many people have read this book! And because it's the Christmas holidays at the moment, i'll try and update the chapters more often ^.^
~Charlotte xx

Twitter: @C_White99

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