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"What do you mean you don't know?", a sharp shout rang out across the dark room as Choi Mujin questioned one of his men.

"I gave you one simple job and you can't even do that?", Mujin continued to patronize the poor man who was standing completely still with his head hung low in front of the large black desk the boss was standing behind.

"I'm sorry boss but we just don't have enough information about her", the man was taken over by fear as he forced out this simple sentence.
"We don't even have a clear picture of h-", suddenly he was cut off by the enraged drug lord who came over to the other side of the desk and punched him with a strong fist across  his pale face.

"I only hire the best, not useless fools like you".
Mujin hissed at his worker who stood clutching his new bruise; shaking with fear.

"I never want to see you again. Get out of my sight".

The shaken man bowed slowly and walked back out of the office through the colossal black doors at the end of the room.

As soon as he left, Mujin loosened his long, black tie and sighed heavily as he poured himself a glass full of whisky and made his way back to his desk chair.
He sat down and pulled out an expensive cigarette from a silver case and lit it with a gold, gifted lighter. His head rolled back as he inhaled a large amount of smoke and then blew it back out into the air.

The stress he gained from his drug cartel was eating him alive and he barely had any time to relax or enjoy anything anymore.
Especially since he had just lost his most loyal friend and business partner.
A single picture stood on the night black desk which Mujin gazed at with a mix of sadness and rage.
"Why are you making me do this?"
The picture showed himself and his loyal companion laughing after a successful fight; it was one of the best nights he ever had but now, it was all gone.
Once he realized that the man in the picture was actually going against him by working with the police to catch him the entire time, he let all his feelings go.
He had no option but to kill him.
However, he still didn't feel satisfied after he was gone.
He wanted complete revenge on his loved ones as well to make sure he suffered to the max.
His daughter was a good start.

Meanwhile, Y/N was laying on her untidy bed whilst listening to an old voice message from her deceased dad.
She had been doing this continuously since the funeral 3 days ago.
The fear of forgetting her dad was tearing her apart and she was doing everything she could to keep his memory alive within her.
If she couldn't keep him alive physically, she would do whatever it takes to keep him alive in her thoughts.

However, sleep was slowly taking over her weary body and it felt extremely tempting but she resisted. She thought to herself about how wrong it was that she should experience any sort comfort after she failed to save the life of her own dad.
But she could only resist for so long; soon she passed out from her excess fatigue.

Around an hour or two passed by as swift as the wind and there was a loud knocking on the front door of Y/N's tiny apartment.

"I know you're in there Y/N! You can't hide from me forever!", this was followed by manic laughter which echoed on the other side of the white door.

"Come on sweetie, I know you've been aching to see me for the past few days!", he yelled,
"I decided to leave you alone for a while so you could prepare to have the most amount of fun with me later on and now the time has come honey pie!", this mouthful of a sentence was also tailed by a harsh sounding laugh which pierced Y/N's ears like a million bullets.

"Gangjae", the name was whispered by a fearful Y/N as she tried to desperately find a way out of this situation.
She would rather burn in the depths of hell than face the evil monster outside her home.
Gangjae was the owner of an infamous drug cartel which Y/N's dad frequently bought products from. However, he was indebted to the psycho and since he had passed, Gangjae was trying his best to get what he wanted from Y/N and what he wanted didn't just include money...

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