ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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A sea of knives and black clothing flooded in my direction as the many men aimed to take Gangjae's life with their weapons.

I heard Gangjae hiss as he took his knife out from his jacket pocket to defend himself.
He slashed at a few of the men who got too close; causing them to fall back onto the blood stained floor.

Luckily, I had somehow managed to discreetly move to the exit at the very back of the - what seemed like a warehouse.
As I pushed myself through the stiff door, I breathed a sigh of relief and felt my bare feet touch the rough gravel before me.
The sky was pitch black and the stars were sparkling beautifully which was completely contrasted to my horrible affair.
I silently closed the door behind me and stumbled across to a black SUV a few meters away from me that was carelessly parked across the sidewalk.
I crept behind the car, away from any possible watchers and collapsed.
My eyes closed with exhaustion and I  breathed in as much fresh air as I could.
This feeling of freedom was like a gentle hug; making me forget about all my problems and comforting me.
However, the blissful feeling didn't last long and the reminder of the huge mess I was trapped in, came back to haunt me.
I knew Gangjae and his men would probably come back soon so I tried to get up to run away from the hideout but my tired legs wouldn't carry me, causing me to collapse once again.

"Bye Mujin! Better luck next time!", an almost excited shout could be heard over the loud roar of a motorcycle as the evil Gangjae left the exhausted gang behind him at the exit of the warehouse. Once again, he had got away.
Some of the men were hopelessly running after the fleeing motorbike but soon, they also stopped and resorted to yelling in frustration instead.
As I stayed hidden behind the car, I saw a few of their daggers and knives crashing to the ground as they swore and shouted at Gangjae who - at this point - was miles away.

On the other hand, the guy who seemed to be the leader calmly walked out of the exit.
For a split second, he seemed to look straight at where I was, causing me to rapidly dive back behind the car. He muttered something to the man standing next to him and then they both walked towards the car I was hiding behind.

"You can come out now", I heard a deep voice direct this statement towards me as he got into the passenger seat of the car and close the door afterwards.
Suddenly, I was hoisted up onto my feet by a stranger and tossed into the back seat of the same car.
Panic flowed through my veins and built up as I examined my surroundings.

"Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing to me!", I yelled at the two men at the front; only to be ignored.
"If it's money you're after I'll give it to you! Just stop torturing me! I'm begging you."

There was a slight whirring sound as a black screen that was meant to separate passengers from drivers was pulled up.
I yelled again to get the men's attention before they were hidden by the screen but still, they didn't even blink an eye at my desperate protests.

I looked in my pockets for something that could possibly help me but there was nothing and so I sat nervously on the black leather seat whilst nervously biting my nails.
Outside, I saw the wide, empty highway stretch on for miles and miles.
My heart was aching for escape and rest but neither of these was made available to my racing mind.
I kept staring out of the window for what seemed like hours, looking desperately at any other rare passing cars; somehow hoping they would come and save me from my nightmare.

I slowly started dozing off but before I knew it, I was pulled out of the car by the same man who threw me in.
I glared at him but he ignored me and led me towards a huge, towering mansion.
The winding path we walked across was adorned with many tropical plants and fountains which all led up to the great, white mansion.
The man guided me onto the veranda and then through the open threshold; into a colossal hallway.
However, we didn't stop there, not even to close the front doors.
A button was pressed next to a plant on a glass table in the corridor of the hallway which immediately opened an entrance in the wall next to it.
My mouth hung open in shock at this magnificent piece of technology but I didn't have long to gape at it as I was hurriedly shoved through.
The man who was with me had left after shoving me in and the exit had begun to close.

"No wait! Don't leave me here!", I was confused since I seemed to be all alone in this strange basement place and now, there was nobody to even guide me.
It was too late.
The exit had shut and I turned back to face the opposite side.
A small path led to a wide, square room with nothing but a single white lamp, a table and two chairs to fill up the dark, empty space.
As I cautiously walked deeper into the room, I noticed that there was someone sitting on the chair.
He spun around and I saw that it was none other than the man who calmly walked out of Gangjae's hideout.

"Tell me who you are and why I'm here!", I yelled in panic at the man on the chair.

No matter how desperate I sounded, the man didn't respond. After a few long seconds, he finally stood up from his seat and walked over to where I was standing.
I raised my fist to punch him as I saw him getting closer and closer but he just grabbed hold of my wrists with his strong hands and pulled them down, away from his face. He gently brushed a stray piece of hair out of my face and then lingered his eyes on my many cuts and bruises.
I glared at him whilst attempting to edge away but he harshly kept me in my position.

"I would prefer if you would take a seat and cooperate with me for now."

CARNAGE //CHOI MUJIN //Where stories live. Discover now