Meanwhile at Nathan's...

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Nathan’s POV


Getting my workouts done in the morning is the best way for me to kickstart the day.  I want to keep in shape because I know my Peanut loves looking at my muscles.  She thinks she’s being discreet about it, but I see her looking.  I put my weights away and wipe down the bench and head to bathroom to shower.

As I get in and start washing I notice the soap isn’t lathering up.  I scrub and scrub and nothing happens.  I must need more water or something.  I hold the soap up closer to the shower head and rub it between my hands and still nothing.  That’s when it clicks.  LUKE!  He must have covered the soap with nail polish to keep me from getting clean.  Probably thought it would be funny to see me walk around all stinky.

I bet he didn’t account for all the extra supplies the guys leave behind under the sink.  I get out of the shower and open the cabinet.  I open the first pouch I see, yup more soap.  I hop back in the shower and finish up.  As I wrap a towel around my waist and head to my room to get dressed I text Luke.

Nathan:  Nice try dickhead!  Forgot to get rid of the extra soaps under the cabinet.

Luke: Aww man!  Well don’t tell Sang, it was her idea and she’ll be sad it didn’t go off without a hitch.

Nathan:  Shit I didn’t know, okay I’ll pretend it worked and bug Peanut about getting me.

Luke: Thanks man

I walk over to my dresser first and pull out a pair of boxers.  As I pull them on I notice they are a bit snug.  Hmm, did they shrink in the dryer?  I open my closet and grab my favorite red t-shirt and black shorts.  Once again I notice the clothes are too small for me.  The shorts are showing way too much leg, my butt is clearly outlined in the back and the shirt is riding up my stomach.  I must have really screwed up the laundry this week.  I pull the clothes off and grab a different shirt that I know wasn’t in this batch of laundry.  It too was tight.  This has to be Luke pulling another prank.  I rip off the shirt and look at the tag thinking I’ll find a smaller size on it, but I don’t.  It has a big fat ‘L’ on it, exactly my size.  I must have really fucked up the laundry.  Or maybe I’m working out too much?  No this happened over night that can’t be right.

Kota has a bunch of extra clothes for us in his closet so I get out my phone and text him.

Nathan:  Hey dude, I shrunk my clothes can you bring me one of my extra shirts and shorts from your closet?

Kota: No clean ho’s here, sorry

Nathan: What??  I don’t need any ho’s I have Sang!

Kota: Autocorrect again!  I don’t know what’s wrong with my phone today

Nathan: It’s cool man, just bring me something to wear

Kota:  Can’t. Gabe took all the extra ho’s to Goodwill last night and left me with one penis to wear today before we go copulating.

Kota: Clothes!!

Kota: one outfit before we go shopping!

Kota:  I can’t believe this...

Nathan:  I am cracking up over here, I’m sending this convo to the guys.

Kota: Great.  Good luck finding something to wear.

Cracking up over Kota’s autocorrect failures my mood lightens over not having anything that fits to wear.  I shrug it off and put on a black t-shirt and red shorts this time.  Who cares if my abs are hanging out.  We are just hanging around the house today and now I have an excuse to show off to Sang.

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