Chapter 1: It's show time for Zero One

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Screams of people is heard along with fire as we see a young boy slowly waking up with his vison a blurr but his vison clears up and he sees he is trapped underneath some rubble so he pushes some rubble over him and after a while he pulls out the rubble and he fell onto the ground. He cough while he slowly stand up and wipe off the dust while he looks up to see in shock of dead bodies everywhere which shocks him.

Y/n: (thought) This....This can't be happening.

Then he looks over to see a young girl who is his friend and he also sees a figure walking towards her which he sees and rushes towards her. The figure throws back and throws his twin blades at her while Y/n rushes up in front of her and yells out.

Y/n: NO!!!!!!

Then everything stops as we hear a voice of Y/n saying.

Y/n: Yep....that's me and my friend Hibiki. Now you all my wonder, how did I Y/n L/n end up in this situation and why is everything like it's on fire and destroyed? Well it's a long story....a very long story actually! A story how I be not only as CEO of my company but also....a hero. Now let's get to the intro shall we forks!


(A Day before the concert)

Within the high tech city we see many people and machine known as Humangears doing their normal thing buying, shopping and do their normal life.

Then we cut to a crowd of people watching as a boy named Y/n gets on stage with a microphone as he instructed them all a new phone that the company that his grandfather works for to the people.

Y/n: (smile) This new hightech phone is one of the most brilliant technologically that man kind has ever made for the world. It comes with many apps you can download, it's tough to break and it has enough data to store over 500,000 pictures and downloads. Guess you can say this phone have it's "sites" on your face.

The crowd:.........

Y/n: (smile) Yes that is me, Y/n!!!!!

The crowd wasn't phase by it and few cough while Y/n stand there until he leaves the stage as Humangear worker hand over phones to the people to buy.

Y/n walks down the steps while he gets a pat on a back by his bodyguard alos good friend named Horobi as he tells Y/n.

Horobi: (smile) I think your pun was great.

Y/n: Thanks Horobi. Well so much for that pun but I'll get better, some day.

Horobi: When ever that comes, I'll support you.

Y/n: (smiles) Thanks Horobi.

Horobi smiles at him while their limo arrives which they hop in and once inside the driver drives off and Y/n looks through the window while he thinks to himself.

Humanity is at a threat with a alien threat known as a Noise but four years ago there was a massive attack by rouge humangears which they call Magia which started by Ark and his goal of keeping the world save is by destroying humanity. Unfortunately for Ark he was stop by a mysterious hero named Ichigata who sacrifice his own life to save humanity and know hhat day was known as Day break.

What the public didn't know is that Ichigata was actually Y/n's father who died for the future of humanity. Horobi promised to protect Y/n which he still dose after he was created.

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