Chapter 3: Friends or enemies?

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We see Hotaru at the shooting range as he reload his rifle and aims down at the target and then fire a few rounds at it. The target is shot many times as Hotaru continues to fire his rifle while bullet shells land hard on the ground as he continues until he ran out. Then he reloads once more and fires a few rounds again at the target when the door behind him opens and someone step in.

???: (smirk) So your my new teammate?

He turn to see her as he lowee his rifle down and said in response.

Hotaru: Yeah I am. Aren't you a bit young to be working for AIM's?

???: (giggle) I've fought many things throughout my years then yours. I was once a Symphogear until I was heavily injured which cost me to lose my signing.

Hotaru: Wait. Your Kanade Amou right? Your that famous pop star girl along side another signer named Tsubasa right?

She smirked as we see hear wearing the AIM's uniform that has orange lines on both of her arms as she tells Hotaru.

Kanade: (smirk) Indeed I am. You never know a signer like me join a military force right?

Hotaru: Anyways these missions will not be your normal once so are you sure you can handle the extreme hard missions?

Kanade: (smirk) Please I'm always do dangerous so who ever want to mess with this pretty girl....bring it on.



Outside of the factory we see agents on the ground and looking around the area for any left over Noise while Helicopters fly over them as we see Hibiki standing there with Y/n beside her as the two were silent since Hibiki found out of Y/n's identity being Zero One as Y/n glance over to her and lend out a sigh and tells her.

Y/n: Sorry for not telling you I was a super hero. I didn't know how I should tell you if I was. Sorry for keeping this as a secret, hope your not mad.

Hibiki: Mad....I'm not mad.

Y/n: (thought) Oh no she is even more mad. Crap what should I do? Well good by life, it's best knowing yo-

Then she turned to Y/n but rather a angry and frustration was actually the excitement and amazement in her face as her eyes sparkle in surprised.

Hibiki: (surprised) I'm sooo surprised that you are a kamen rider!!!!!


Hibiki: (smile) I mean it makes more sense now! The late night outs, the business meetings and other stuff that me and Miku find it to be weird. But now it makes it all clear! Your not only a CEO but also a super hero! I CAN'T BELIEVE A SUPER HERO WAS LIVING WITH US THIS WHOLE TIME!!!!!

Y/n: (shocked).....S-So your not mad?

Hibiki: (smile) Mad?! How I can mad? It makes sense why you keep this secret fork us, I totally get it now! But still SOO COOL!!!

Y/n: (thought) Well......I was not suspected this to happen.

Little girl: Mommy!

They look over to see the little girls mother came as the two hugged as the two smiled.

Y/n: (smile) Well it looks like it's our time to make our lea-

But he was blocked by agents as he stood there and then a familiar voice is heard behind him.

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