Humanity is at a threat with a alien race known as the Noise. But what's even more worse is that many years ago a race of Humangears gone rouge and start to attack humans which will be the day known as Dark Break. But a hero named Ichigata sacrifice...
It was the middle of the night as we see a small abandoned hut near the city as we see look inside the cut and see two figures within the hut. One looking out of the window and looking very exiting with a crazy smile on his face while the second figure is standing on his feet and looking at his sword as he place the blade of it on his hand as he slide the blade from his hand and puts it downward onto the ground as the figure looks straight up and tells his friend.
???: It is time to show ourselves to these humans.
??? 2: (smile) Hehehe I can not wait for this! We're going to murder ever singal humans until there is nothing left!
He let out a crazy laughter while he hops around and then stop as he ask him.
??? 2: Say what about those aliens? The Noise, what are we going to do with them?
???: The Noise are our rivals. They wish to take over this planet more so then us. We must not allow them to take control of this planet and overwhelmed us. We will destroy everything that stood against our will by eliminating them all.
??? 2: (smirk) So your saying is kill them all! I like that idea.
???: Indeed.
??? 2: (smirk) So....shall we introduce ourselves to our enemies or what?
The figure pulls out something from his pocket which was a progrise key as he stare at the key that he has on his hand and then tells his friend while we can see the Progrise key more clearly.
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???: Of course. Let us introduce our enemies.
It was a bright new day at Hiden Intelligence as we see Kanade enter the 3D printer room as she enters the room ans sees Y/n ans Izu waiting for thr printer to make a new Progrise Key as Kanade sneak up behind Y/n and then grab both of his shoulders from behind which made hin startled while Kanade giggled.
Kanade: (giggle) Gotcha!
Y/n: Oh its you Kanade. (Sigh) You scared me a bit. I still have no idea why though.
Kanade: (smile) Because I love messing with you~! So getting a new key I see?
Izu: That's correct and I believe it's almost done.
Kanade: (smile) That's cool to hear. Any idea what it could be?
Y/n: (smile) One way to find out.
Soon there was a beep follow by the door open as Izu looks inside and picks up the progrise key and she shows it to Y/n and Kanade which they look like it.